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Apply for ISN and Danone Nutricia Research Hydration for Kidney Health initiative

Danone Nutricia Research and ISN have created the Hydration for Kidney Health Research (H4KH) Initiative to stimulate the interest of both established and new researchers to explore the role of hydration in kidney health. Applications are open until November 30, 2015.

The H4KH initiative will expand the level of scientific evidence, on the effects of hydration on kidney health, increase research capacity, develop further trans-disciplinary research networks and create sustainability for researchers.

Studies (randomized controlled, cohort controlled, observational) that address diverse questions frequently have large, validated databases, representing global populations, containing data on kidney function and some measure of hydration (fluid intake, urine volume, osmolality, sodium). Promotion and support for using this data to study the effect of hydration on health will broaden the awareness and knowledge of the effect of hydration on kidney health.

There are two grants to apply for: the new investigator anf Hydration for Kidney Health grant.

Applications are now open for this initiative. Deadline is November 30, 2015. CLICK HERE to find out more and get information to apply.

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