Contributing to this year’s World Health Assembly
During this year’s World Health Assembly (WHA), besides the plenary and committee discussions, there was a myriad of side events organized by member states and Civil Society Organizations, which provided an in-depth overview of pertinent issues affecting universal health coverage and called for action on non-communicable diseases.
ISN co-sponsored a side event organized by the Global Circulatory Health Coalition showcasing how universal health coverage can be made to work for circulatory health including kidney disease by improving the diagnosis and management of hypertension.
Chaired by Lancet Editor in Chief Richard Horton, the side event attracted more than 80 participants onsite and over 2,000 views on Facebook live. Proceedings also appeared on Twitter as well as partner and speaker social media channels, drawing positive feedback from attendants.
Watch coverage from the event HERE (Part 1) and HERE (Part 2). Access the photos HERE, and read a blog post summarizing the event HERE.
ISN also presented the case for kidney disease at an official World Health Organization (WHO)-endorsed side event entitled ‘Towards universal access to solid organ transplantation.’ Held at the United Nations Geneva Headquarters, it was the largest side event at the WHA in terms of member states endorsement, with approximately 21 countries and was brought to a close by Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus, Director General of the WHO.
ISN interventions during the World Health Assembly called for member states to invest in the prevention of non-communicable diseases such as kidney disease, improve access to prevention, screening, detection and management, strengthen integrated approaches to care and to leave no disease behind.