Apply for ISN Interventional Nephrology Training Center Status: Advance Interventional Nephrology in your Region
The ISN is currently calling for applications from health care centers to become recognized as ISN Interventional Nephrology Training Centers.

Such training centers work with the ISN to provide in-depth training in interventional nephrology to improve patient care in different regions of the world.
Read the detailed guidelines on how to apply.
Institutions from all countries (low, middle, or high-income) can
The deadline to apply is October 15.
Eligibility criteria to become an ISN Interventional Nephrology Training Center:
- Have a minimum of 2 years experience in interventional nephrology.
- Have performed at least 200 specific interventional nephrology procedures in the last 12 months.
- Staff involved in training at these centers should be active members of the ISN community with
full ISN Membership.
The ISN will support trainees from low and middle-income countries with grants to contribute toward their travel, accommodation, and living costs during the training.
If you have any questions, please contact the ISN Programs team.
This initiative is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from
One World. One ISN.