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ISN President to Present Key Recommendations at PHSSR Summit

The Partnership for Health System Sustainability Resilience (PHSSR), founded by the World Economic Forum (WEF), the London School of Economics, and AstraZeneca, is holding a summit from March 15-19 2021.

Registration details to follow shortly.

Improving the effectiveness of care” will bring together academia and the public and private sectors to share insights from nine months of preliminary work on developing ways to analyze health systems, drawing on responses to COVID-19, and defining key opportunities to strengthen resilience in the health care sector to address both future shocks and traditional burdens of disease.

ISN President Prof Vivek Jha will provide an overview and present key recommendations based on a discussion paper he co-authored focusing on early detection of CKD using the PHSSR framework. Join him between 12 and 1.15 p.m. GMT on Tuesday, March 16.

This CKD discussion paper, together with the documents on lung cancer, heart failure, chronic airway disease, and the potential of digital and AI, will be published on the WEF website shortly.

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