Call for expressions of interest/nominations for
ISN Young Nephrologists Committee Members

The ISN welcomes expressions of interest/nominations for the position of members of the ISN Young Nephrologists Committee (YNC). The positions will start at the World Congress of Nephrology 2024 (WCN’24).

About the ISN YNC

The YNC helps better engage ISN’s younger members in shaping the future of the Society. The goals of the YNC are to evaluate and understand the needs of young physicians, scientists, and allied health professionals in order to develop education, research, professional development, and leadership opportunities within the Society; and to promote the active participation of young nephrologists in all ISN activities.

The YNC aims to:

  1. Ensure that Young Nephrologists’ needs are considered, and propose measures to create a welcoming environment within the ISN for members under the age of 45.
  2. Promote all the opportunities that ISN offers to Young Nephrologists.
  3. Highlight top science produced by young researchers through different initiatives such as awards, poster tours, and other visibility options. This includes the Young Nephrologist awards given at each WCN, according to the description included in the SOP for the WCN.
  4. Facilitate communication and networking opportunities, aiming to create an international community for young members of ISN.
  5. Participate in the overall membership strategy of the ISN.
  6. Contribute to the program of ISN events, including the WCN, to ensure that they are open and welcoming for Young Nephrologists.
  7. Increase diversity within ISN Young Nephrologist membership – gender, location, language etc., – as well as ensure that all areas of nephrology – interventional, onco-nephrology, dialysis, transplant etc – are covered.

The Role

YNC members are expected to participate actively in the general discussions of the YNC and also in the ones corresponding to any subcommittee or internal working group that they are part of. These meetings take place online most of the time, but in some cases during events such as the WCN there are opportunities to attend in-person meetings.

The YNC members will:

  • Promote and advance the aims of the YNC.
  • Promote ISN membership among young nephrologists worldwide, emphasising that free membership is available to all nephrologists in training.
  • Participate in the process to assess WCN abstracts submitted by young nephrologists to identify recipients of the Young Nephrologist Awards at each WCN.

The workload of a YNC member takes one or two hours per week.

Selection Criteria

  • We welcome applications from those with the following profiles:
    • Kidney Health Professionals from any region
    • ISN members who are MDs of the following ISN regions:
      • Africa
      • Western Europe
      • North and East Asia
      • OSEA
  • Applicants must be born after 1981 to ensure that they are below 45 years old for the duration of the term between WCN’24 and WCN’26.
  • Applicants should be committed to facilitate the access of young professionals to the field of nephrology and to encourage their participation in ISN activities.
  • ISN member in good standing
  • Email accessible and able to regularly connect to conference calls
  • Active presence on social media is not required, but it will be valued positively.
  • Active involvement in their local society is not required, but it will be valued positively.
  • Thank you for your interest. The application process closed at 5 pm CEST on Friday, 27 October. We encourage you to keep an eye out and apply for available positions at next year’s call for EOIs/nominations round.

Additional information

The position will start at WCN’24 for an initial term of approximately 2-years until WCN’26. The position may be renewed for up to two further terms, to a maximum of approximately 6-years (note: renewal is not automatic and based on group’s needs). Timeline – October: Application period open. November: Positions decided by ISN leadership. December: Applicants notified of outcome.

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