ISN Webinar: Developments in managing DKD: Perspectives of a nephrologist, cardiologist and diabetologist – a discussion on the main messages of the post hoc analysis of FIGARO, FIDELIO and FIDELITY
In light of recent and ongoing developments in diabetic kidney disease (DKD) care, the ISN is bringing together a nephrologist, cardiologist, and diabetologist together with trial and guideline experts to share their perspectives and engage in a focused discussion on the key takeaways from post hoc analysis of FIGARIO, FIDELIO and FIDELITY.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the multidisciplinary aspects of the key takeaways from the post hoc analysis of FIGARO, FIDELIO and FIDELITY.
- Discuss the trials’ impact and post hoc analysis from the perspectives of cardiology, nephrology, diabetology, trials and guidelines.
- Explore practical aspects of implementation of the key takeaways and the impact on patient outcomes.
Webinar supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Bayer AG