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Garvey awarded for world’s first low-cost dialysis machine


Vincent Garvey has been awarded the Affordable Dialysis Prize, taking home US$100,000 for his innovative design. Garvey’s dialysis system can fit into a small suitcase and uses a standard solar panel to power a highly-efficient, miniature distiller capable of producing pure water from any source. Work on a prototype is now underway, with sponsorship opportunities actively being sought.

The prize was jointly established by The George Institute for Global Health, the International Society of Nephrology and the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology and supported by the Farrell Family Foundation.

Professor Vlado Perkovic, Executive Director of The George Institute, Australia, said the judging panel, made up of nine global dialysis experts, was unanimous in its decision. He said: “Dialysis has been with us for more than 50 years but there has been no great leap forward in its design or, more importantly, its cost remains hugely expensive and out of reach for millions of sick people.”

Conventional dialysis systems cost several tens of thousands of dollars. They are widely available in most developed countries but much less so in countries with limited funds for healthcare. Research published in The Lancet found that while more than nine million people in the world need dialysis for terminal kidney failure, only 2.61 million currently get this life-saving treatment.

Garvey, a manufacturing engineer from the United Kingdom’s Isle of Man, had little knowledge of dialysis when he entered the competition, but was inspired by the chance to save lives.

Mr Garvey said: “I have always loved a challenge and the idea of solving this problem excited me from the start. It’s incredible to win this prize but I am already focused on building the team to tackle the challenges ahead.”


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