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ISN-ANIO CNC – worldwide access to the latest renal pathology training


Kidney pathology educational programs available to the worldwide nephrology community are rather limited. In 2014, ISN and the American Nephrologists of Indian Origin (ANIO) set up a year-long web-based Clinical Nephropathology Certificate Program (CNC) to help physicians worldwide who seek training in the principles and practice of nephropathology.

Priority was given to in-training applicants from India and low- and middle-income countries. Following success in 2013 and 2014, applications are now open for a new cycle in 2015. The program is expected to start in April 2015. Previously, students enrolled from 31 countries at varying degrees of their careers; from interns to professors and department chairs. Beside nephrologists and pathologists, the CNC enrolled internists and pediatricians interested in nephropathology.

So far, the series of lectures has successfully helped participants gain the new knowledge and skills they so desperately needed. Over 40 pre-recorded online lectures and 12 live monthly webinars with recorded version for later on-demand viewing were available to participants during this one-year course.

Program Manager Dr. Youssef Farag says: “We propose this unique web-based format of using a blended structure of pre-recorded lectures, live webinars, and formative assessments for nephrologists and pathologists worldwide.”

Lectures are delivered with live webinars that enable students to actively participate in case discussions with latest literature review from renowned nephrologists and nephropathologists. To receive the final certificate, students must attend 75% of live webinars, and pass midterm and final exams.

Course faculty included Professors Gerald Appel, Jamil Azzi, Vanesa Bijol, Youssef Farag (Program Manager), Fernando Fervenza, Albert Lam, David Mount, David Salant, Sanjeev Sethi, Ajay K. Singh, Jai Radhakrishnan, Helmut Rennke, Leonardo Riella, Sushrut Waikar and Astrid Weins.

You can now apply for the 2015 course, CLICK HERE. The application has now been extended to March 20, 2015.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Youssef Farag


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