ISN-WIN India Webinar: Trials and Tribulations of women researchers
There are multiple challenges women physicians face throughout their professional careers. Clinical commitments often interfere with a women physician’s personal commitments. And matters become much more challenging for women clinicians who commit time to clinical research.
This webinar brings forth the experience of two women clinician- researchers and their challenges. Dr Debbie Cohen a,clinician and a mother will talk about her personal experiences and the challenges she faced in her journey as a researcher and a world renowned authority on Hypertension.
The second talk is by Dr Manisha Sahay,a well known figure in International Society of Nephrology will dwell on a clinical topic of pregnancy associated acute kidney Injury. Changing tracks from a purely personal narrative,Dr Sahay presents her research data over the years.
This webinar will be moderated by Dr Sabine Karam,a courageous young nephrologist from Lebanon,now working in USA.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn about various issues faced by
awomen clinician-researcher and ways to handle such challenges - Learn about these challenges through the example of a research project on pregnancy-associated acute kidney injury
- Learn about the incidence, etiologies and management strategies in this specific subgroup of AKI