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Epidemiology, molecular, and genetic methodologies to evaluate causes of CKDu around the world: report of the Working Group from the ISN International Consortium of Collaborators on CKDu

In order to investigate candidate hypotheses for chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu), the ISN has supported a multidisciplinary group of nephrologists, epidemiologists, and occupational health and environmental scientists to form a consortium (i3C) to identify a coherent approach to studying CKDu and to provide recommendations for studies focusing on investigating causes. The team analyzed the most promising approaches with respect to designing field studies, integrating molecular analysis of biosamples into CKDu research, protecting the interests of study participants, and promoting collaboration. Research in this field has previously been challenging due to political circumstances, the marginalized nature of populations afflicted, and the scarcity of personnel and funding. This evaluation aims to facilitate studies that help understand chronic rates of CKDu in young and middle-aged individuals in certain regions of the world. Read the full paper at Kidney International (KI).

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