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WCN 2015 Presentations Collection


Many thanks to everybody who took part in ISN’s biennial World Congress of Nephrology (WCN). It was a great pleasure to host this congress in the wonderful city of Cape Town, South Africa.

For those who were unable to attend the event, ISN Education has prepared this comprehensive reperitory of presentations that given during the Congress.

We hope to see you in Mexico City from April 21 to 25, 2017 for WCN 2017.

WCN 2015 presentations organised by session:

Plenary Sessions:

Plenary Sessions (all)


Precongress Continuous Nephrology Education Courses: 

Continuous Nephrology Education (English): Precongress CNE – Fluid and electrolyte disturbances

DPC pré-Congrès – Équilibre et déséquilibres hydro-électrolytiques (Français)

CNE (English): CNE on acute kidney injury in adults and children

CNE (French): DPC – agression rénale aiguë chez l’adulte et l’enfant (in partnership with Société de Néphrologie)

Continuous Nephrology Education: Acute and chronic peritoneal dialysis in adults and children (in English with simultaneous translation into French)

Continuous Nephrology Education: Chronic Kidney Disease in low income countries (in English with simultaneous translation into French)

Continuous Nephrology Education: Acute nephrological challenges in pregnancy in low income countries (in English with simultaneous translation into French)

Continuous Nephrology Education: Challenges in education and training of nephrologists for the developing countries (in English with simultaneous translation into French)

Continuous Nephrology Education: “How to write and read a clinical research paper?” (in English with simultaneous translation into French)


Renal Pathology Couses

Precongress Renal pathology primer

Renal pathology course: Renal pathology in Africa: Present and future

Renal pathology course: Nephrotic syndrome: Updates

Renal pathology course: Postinfectious and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

Renal pathology course: Lupus Nephritis, IgA Nephropathy and ANCA Glomerulonephritis

Renal pathology course: Vasculopathies

Renal pathology course: Hereditary nephropathies and glomerular disease in South America

Renal pathology course: Tubular and tubulointerstitial diseases

Renal pathology course: Transplant pathology

Renal pathology course: Renal pathology challenges and solutions in Africa


Special Sessions: 

Allied Health Professionals Symposium

The 0by25 Initiative: Progress and achievements so far (special session)

ISN-IFKF Joint World Kidney Day Symposium “Kidney health for all: The role of kidney foundations” (special session)

DOPPS Clinical Symposium – The DOPPS program: Expanding scope to improve patient outcomes world-wide (Special session)

Declaration of Istanbul and kidney transplantation: Where are we 7 years later? 2008- 2015 (Special session)


Theme 1: Infectious and non-infectious risk factors

Session 1: Perinatal origins of health and disease and the kidney

Session 2: The genetic revolution has entered real life

Session 2: New advances in the pathobiology of glomerular diseases

Session 3: Novel insights into HIV infection: Future targets for therapy

Session 4: APOL1: A rapidly evolving story (in partnership with ASN)

Session 5: HIV nephropathy in the cART era (in partnership with AFRAN)

Session 6: Schistosomiasis infections: From basic science to translation (in partnership with AFRAN)

Session 7: Diabetic nephropathy: New insights from the bench to the bedside

Session 8: Hypertension and the metabolic syndrome: New anthropologic and pathophysiologic insights (in partnership with ISH)

Session 9: Water intake: The good, the bad and the ugly


Theme 2: Translational and clinical nephrology

Session 1: Mitochondria: Not only “powerhouses”

Session 2: Kidney fibrosis: The road to the end

Session 3: IgA Nephropathy: What have we learned in the last 5 years?

Session 4: Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract: Prenatal through adulthood

Session 5: Novel therapies for ADPKD: The road forward

Session 6: Membranous nephropathy: Toward personalized diagnosis and therapy

Session 7: ANCA vasculitis: Time to reconsider ontology and treatment

Session 8: Lupus nephritis: A story of old and new drugs

Session 9: Nephrotic Syndrome: Will recent advances impact on patients care?


Theme 3: Acute kidney injury (AKI)

Session 2: Acute renal failure in the tropics

Session 3: Preventable AKI

Session 4: AKI around the world

Session 4: Pre-eclampsia: A planetary view

Session 5: Targeting recovery from AKI (in partnership with Nature Reviews Nephrology)

Session 6: The kidney in children with critical illness in the developing world

Session 7: Saving young lives – Training in acute PD (in partneship with IPNA)

Session 8: Critical care nephrology update

Session 9: Managing AKI: Emerging issues


Theme 4: CKD and its consequences

Session 1: Management of mineral disorders in CKD and ESRD

Session 2: Pregnancy: A risk at all stages of CKD

Session 3: From pediatric to adult CKD

Session 3: The brain in CKD

Session 4: Towards new therapeutic strategies of anemia for renal patients

Session 5: Major environmental threats to health in developing countries: Implications for CKD epidemiology

Session 6: The vulnerable patient with CKD: A new concept of blood, vessel and heart changes in uremia

Session 7: Lost in translation: How to effectively retard progression in CKD

Session 8: Economy constraints to CKD identification and treatment in developing countries

Session 9: Clinical trials


Theme 5: Dialysis and transplantation

Session 1: Joint ERA-EDTA/ ISN Symposium: Setting up dialysis registries

Session 4: Bridging the gap: Transitions between and within dialysis and transplantation

Session 5: Recurrent disease after kidney transplantation

Session 6: Rejection in kidney transplantation

Session 7: Transplantation in the infected patient (A joint ISN/TTS Session)

Session 8: Peritoneal dialysis (A joint ISN/ISPD Session)

Session 9: Emerging viral infections: A global threat beyond Africa


CLICK HERE for the post-event page for WCN 2015.


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