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First training for 0by25 Pilot Feasibility Project


From left to right, Dr. Ravi Mehta, 0by25 Director and leading Principal Investigator from UCSD, Dr. Karen Yeates and Dr. Erica Erwin, leading the Pilot Project in Tanzania, Dr. Etienne Macedo, Project Manager from UCSD, Dr. Victor Hugo Garcia-Carlo from Bolivia, Dr. Rakesh Malhotra from UCSD and Dr. Rolando Claure, leading the pilot project in Bolivia with Dr. Garcia-Carlo, Dr. Ulla Hemmila and Ms. Naomi Pleasant Sibale leading the project in Malawi, and Dr. Sanjib Sharma, Principal Investigator in Nepal.

ISN was extremely pleased to have funded the first training for principal investigators and project managers from clusters in Bolivia, Malawi, Nepal and Tanzania, taking part in the 0by25 Pilot Feasibility Project. This took place at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) facilities from July 16 to 19, 2016.

The project is directed towards establishing a sustainable infrastructure for prevention, education and training, detection and management of AKI, which can be implemented according to local needs and resources.

To find out more about the ISN 0by25 project, CLICK HERE.


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