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Students and experts delve into the case of acid base and electrolyte disorders

As a member of the ISN South Asia Regional Board and the organizing chairman of the symposium, I attended the ISN endorsed symposium on acid base and electrolyte disorders held at the Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences on January 21, 2017. We welcomed speakers from ISN including Dr Gopalakrishnan, Dr Fernando and Dr Parameshwaran who gave valuable input to the program.

The growing prevalence of kidney disease, as a significant non-communicable disease and its infectious co-morbidities, has resulted in an exponential rise of acid base and electrolyte problems in clinical practice. Hence, it is essential to build a good working knowledge of applied physiology about these challenging clinical problems, discriminative diagnostic capability and contemporary therapeutic principles.

The Departments of Nephrology and Biochemistry at the Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, and The Madras Medical Mission joined forces to organize what was a greatly interactive and engaging symposium on basic and applied aspects of acid base disorders and common electrolyte disturbances with over 200 participants from Chennai and Puducherry.

A quiz at the the end was extremely interactive, educative and entertaining. Interns from Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences won the quiz and the residents from JIPMER, Puducherry came a close second.

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