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ISN Scientific Writing Course 2017


There is nothing new about the disparity that exists regarding specific health needs and clinical challenges in the developed and resource limited nations. Are medical advances that emerge in clinical research from the developed nations truly relevant and applicable to the rest of the world?

To dig further into this issue, the ISN Clinical Research Committee launched the Regional Scientific Writing Course, deriving insights and inspiration from the Scientific Writing Academy of the Mario Negri Institute, Bergamo, Italy.

The recent edition of this course on scientific writing gave an opportunity to young nephrologists from South Asia to escalate their skills in designing, implementing and publishing clinical research in nephrology.

The course consisted in a series of short lectures, dedicated time for writing exercises and discussions including pre-course assignments on scientific writing.The sessions were designed to incorporate mentoring on every part of manuscript writing from abstract, background, methods, results to discussion.

Other highlights of the course included hands-on sessions with a reference manager and data base manager, interactive sessions on the process of paper submission, choosing a journal and the art of responding to reviewers.

On this course I was joined by faculty including the Chair and Deputy Chair of the ISN Clinical Research Committee, Dr Marcello Tonelli, Dr Giovanni Strippoli, the ANIO (American Nephrologists of Indian Origin) member Dr Neesh Pannu, the ISN President Elect Dr Vivekanand Jha.

Many thanks to the ISN-ANIO India Committee for supporting the initiative and to St John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore, India for hosting us.


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Dr. Giovanni Strippoli with group.

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Group discussion on research funding.


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