RDRTF to expand its scope, improving disaster relief for nephrologists
Over the last 20 years, the ISN Renal Disaster Relief Task Force (RDRTF) has supported nephrologists and their patients in many countries, helping cope with and provide care in the aftermath of natural disasters.
Initiated by Norbert Lameire and Raymond Vanholder, the ISN RDRTF has lent its support to local nephrology communities and their patients following natural disasters, giving them logistical help and the valuable solidarity of the international nephrological community.
The Task Force works in close collaboration with Médecins sans Frontières when it comes to logistic support during interventions and gathering volunteer nurses.
‘Into the future the RDRTF needs to expand further, in terms of types of disasters it wants to cover and the support it intends to provide. This is necessary in terms of the changing needs, with also flooding, hurricanes, and volcanic activity as increasingly frequent natural sources of disaster, but also war-related disasters and the issue of refugees with kidney disease,’ explains Wim Van Biesen, who has chaired the task force for four years.
The ISN Council and the current RDRTF chair have come up with a commonly supported plan to further reinforce the RDRTF and assemble a proper internationally-representative working group to supervise and steer this important activity.
A call to recruit new volunteers will begin soon. At the same time, the task force will also recruit a new chair and a deputy-chair. Wim Van Biesen will step down from his current position. He is set to commit more of his time looking into how deprived populations can receive nephrology care in an equitable way.
Find out more about the ISN Renal Disaster Relief Task Force, HERE.