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Obituary: Dr. Anthony Jude Omolo Were (1956-2020)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We announce with deep sadness the passing of Dr. Anthony J.O. Were, President of the African Association of Nephrology (AFRAN), Head of Kenyatta National Hospital Renal Unit, Deputy Director of the East African Kidney Institute, and a wonderful colleague.

Dr. Were demonstrated a commitment to excellence, service, and friendship to all across Africa. Determined to put African nephrology at the forefront globally, he supported AFRAN to play a significant role in improving access to quality kidney services in Africa.

He was a tireless mentor to nephrology nurses and fellows at the East African Kidney Institute, formulating the curricula for various courses and adapting to the COVID era by holding academic zoom sessions.

As an accomplished organizing committee leader, Dr. Were was an active member of the Kenya Renal Association (KRA), chairing two annual scientific conferences and supporting World Kidney Day activities.

ISN President Vivek Jha comments, “He was a wonderful teacher and mentor and leaves behind a large number of shocked colleagues, friends, and mentees. May he rest in peace.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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