Working Together for a Better Future: Thank you to Supporters, Partners, and Sponsors
The ISN appreciates all its sponsors and partners for supporting the ISN mission of advancing kidney health worldwide through education, grants, research, and advocacy. We are grateful for the enduring support of many of our sponsors and partners over many years, welcome new sponsors during 2020, and look forward to continuing our work together into the future. Sponsors and partners supported programs and events during 2020 including:
The Clinical Nephropathology Certificate (CNC) Program consists of year-long, online educational programs in basic and advanced nephropathology courses.
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The ISN Clinical Research Program supports research and education programs in low-to-middle income countries, involving local nephrologists, health workers and authorities. The Program helps implement research projects to detect and manage non-communicable chronic diseases such as CKD, AKI, hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Supported by:

Continuing Medical Education consists of educational activities which serve to maintain, develop, or increase the knowledge, skills, and professional performance. The ISN supports CME through courses, webinars and educational events.
Supported by:

The Declaration of Istanbul (DoI) calls on the medical community, especially transplant surgeons and nephrologists, to join the World Health Organization (WHO) in putting pressure on Health Ministries with a transplantation program to eliminate organ trafficking and transplant tourism.
The role of the DICG is to develop a comprehensive strategy and implement plans to achieve its mission and to coordinate activities related to the Declaration of Istanbul. The DICG operates in the context of complementary documents, in particular the WHO Guiding Principles on Human Cell, Tissue and Organ Transplantation.
In collaboration with:

ISN Educational Ambassadors advise on clinical cases and research addressing dialysis, interventional nephrology, renal pathology, transplantation, and peritoneal dialysis to improve clinical care as well as the confidence of professionals, including nurses and technicians, and the quality of life and survival rate of patients.
Supported by:

The ISN-ELP provides early-career professionals in integrated kidney care the opportunity to work with international experts in the field to become qualified for a leadership role in the advancement of global kidney care. Intending to build a global talent pool of future leaders, the ELP welcomes ISN members interested in shaping the direction of kidney health to ensure health promotion and access to prevention, control, and management of kidney diseases.
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The ISN Fellowships give physicians from disadvantaged parts of the world the opportunity to pursue essential nephrology training abroad to advance kidney care in their home region. These fellows become leaders in their field, training colleagues and setting up new services to improve local care. Since 1985, over 800 nephrologists from 100 low-resource countries have received valuable training through ISN Fellowships.
Supported by:

The IACN-ISN-HKSN Scholarship is a Special ISN Fellowship for young Nephrologists living and working in China and looking for training in clinical nephrology. IACN, ISN and HKSN partners to provide 3-month scholarships in China or Hong-Kong.
Supported by:
- Hong Kong Society of Nephrology (HKSN)
- International Association of Chinese Nephrologists (IACN)

Interventional Nephrology Scholarships provide support for in-depth training at ISN recognized Nephrology Training Centers to improve patient care in different world regions. Trainees from low and middle-income countries are supported with grants to contribute to their travel, accommodation, and living costs during training.
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The ISN Academy is an e-learning portal providing digital learning experiences through webinars, podcasts, and online courses.
The Academy partners with other organizations, institutions, and renowned experts to offer knowledge and expertise in the latest nephrology science and practice.
Scientific Content Partners:

ISN Academy Corporate Supporters:

The ISN mission of bridging the gaps of available care through advocacy and collaborations with our global partners is supported through activities including:
- Advocacy
- Awareness raising activities
- Dissemination of implementation tools
Sponsored by:
Increasing access to integrated care for CKD and ESKD in Indonesia Project in collaboration with the Indonesian Society of Nephrology (PERNEFRI). The project also includes dialysis, transplantation and conservative care; and policy changes regarding CKD management programs to prevent ESKD and allow for earlier CKD detection.
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The ISN collaborates with partner organizations in building capacity to develop and implement joint projects, research, and education grant programs. In addition to the sponsorship of specific programs, sponsors also support the overall mission of the ISN by general sponsorship of activities including:
- Research collaborative meetings
- World Kidney Day partners and Advocacy
- The ISN Academy
- Fellowship and Educational Ambassador Core Programs
Sponsored by:

ISN Corporate Membership may be extended to any corporation, partnership, foundation, society or other organization that has contributes to the ISN annually. Corporate members enjoy a year-round program with opportunities for collaboration with ISN members and physician leaders on important initiatives to support education, research and advocacy to advance kidney health worldwide, to reduce the burden of kidney diseases and provide optimal health care for patients
Corporate Members:

The Kidney Care Networks test if the successful intervention from Pilot Feasibility Studies can become a part of routine care in low and middle-income countries and consequently improve global kidney health.
Supported by:
Saving Young Lives (SYL) works in low-resource areas to help establish and maintain hospital services for the care of AKI, including facilities for acute PD. SYL focuses on providing training and educational activities in the community to improve awareness and equip local health practitioners to prevent and identify cases needing hospital care.
Supported by:

The Sister Renal Centers (SRC) program comprises three levels of support providing the framework and funding to foster up to six years of collaboration if adequate progress is made. The long-term goal is for the emerging center to become self-sufficient and able to provide better treatment and outcomes for patients with kidney diseases in their care.
Supported by:

The Sister Transplant Centers (STC) program is a joint partnership between ISN and The Transplantation Society (TTS) to help establish new kidney transplant centers and develop existing kidney transplant programs in emerging countries. This initiative fosters partnerships between experienced transplant centers in the developed world (Supporting Centers or SCs) and new and developing transplant centers (Emerging Centers or ECs) in low-resource regions, providing a framework and funding for up to six years of collaboration if adequate progress is made.
In partnership with:

The World Congress of Nephrology (WCN) is the society’s annual scientific meeting connecting nephrologists, industry, pharmaceutical companies, and other organizations aligned with the ISN’s mission to advance kidney health worldwide.
We would also like to acknowledge the unwavering support of the Emirates Medical Association of Nephrology Society (EMAN) as co-hosts of the WCN 2020 and their flexibility in responding to the global pandemic and the health and safety of all involved.
We would also like to thank our industry partners for their support and collaboration during the pandemic, and the generosity of many of them for transferring WCN sponsorship to other ISN programs and activities or permitting it to be used for ISN activities in general following the cancelation of the physical event.
World Kidney Day (WKD) is a joint initiative between the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and
the International Federation of Kidney Foundations (IFKF).
World Kidney Day is a global campaign that aims to raise awareness of the importance of our kidneys to overall health and to reduce the frequency and impact of kidney disease and its associated health problems.
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