
3 Days of Specialist Scientific Content on Complement-related Kidney Diseases: Register for the Frontiers Meeting in Bergamo at the Early Bird Rate

Register for 3 days of specialty scientific content brought to you by ISN and the Mario Negri Institute in Bergamo, Italy. Register Now Join a global panel of clinical and scientific experts from June 23-25, 2022 to examine the latest developments in diagnosis, disease classification, genetics, and identify knowledge gaps on: ‘Complement-related Kidney Diseases: Classification, Genetics, and...

Joint Statement from ASN, ERA, and ISN Addresses the State of the Global Nephrology Workforce

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global health crisis with an estimated 850 million affected individuals. The State of the Global Nephrology Workforce: A Joint ASN-ERA-EDTA-ISN Investigation addresses whether there are enough kidney doctors-or nephrologists available to care for the growing number of people around the world with CKD, and whether their training is...

Register for the ISN Webinar on Clinical Management of C3G

The ISN and the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research will hold a webinar on December 9, 2021, at 2 p.m. CEST on: “New Insights into Clinical Management of C3G" The webinar will address: The complement system and its role in C3G Personalized clinical management of patients Preliminary results of clinical trials with complement inhibitors New therapeutic perspectives Register for the...

ISN President and Patient Ambassadors Feature in Film and Article on Chronic Kidney Disease

On September 28, the NCD Alliance launched "Facing Forward," a series of films and articles produced by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions. The series is designed to raise awareness of noncommunicable diseases by hearing directly from patients around the world. We are pleased to share that ISN President Agnes Fogo features in the film on CKD...

Read Patient Ambassador Stories on Living Well with Kidney Diseases

To raise awareness of the patient experience globally of kidney disease, patient ambassadors Manvir Victor (Malaysia) and Verónica Martínez (Mexico) share personal accounts of living with kidney conditions. Read the full accounts here. Manvir Victor was diagnosed with kidney disease in his mid-thirties and had to begin dialysis immediately. The experience initially had a dramatic effect...

Green Nephrology, Nanotechnology, Genome Editing, and Patient Advocacy: Discover the WCN’22 Plenary Topics and Speakers

Be part of a global gathering to exchange the latest in kidney science and clinical applications. Register for the 2022 World Congress of Nephrology (WCN'22) here. Join us for the WCN’22 plenary sessions to hear renowned speakers share valuable insights on diverse health issues in kidney care: Green Technologies in Dialysis/Green Nephrology Frances Mortimer, UK Advocacy for Kidney Disease:...

Join the ISN President at the 18th International Congress of Nephrology, Dialysis, and Transplantation

ISN President Agnes Fogo will present two talks during the pre-congress sessions on October 20, 2021: 8 a.m. Tehran time: Updates in Definition and Classification of Lupus Nephritis 2:35 p.m. Tehran time: Nephropathologic Aspects of Diabetes Mellitus The 18th International Congress of Nephrology, Dialysis, and Transplantation is hosted by the Iranian Society of Nephrology and will take...

Put Your Story on the Map! Submit a Film to the ISN Community Film Event

The ISN Community Film Event, showcasing global stories on kidney care, now has an interactive map highlighting the diverse scope of the competition and offering a further opportunity for worldwide visibility. Explore the film event map here. The map charts the provenance of films entered in the competition since its launch in 2019. All future films...

Announcing the 2021 ISN Clinical Research Grant Awardees

The ISN is pleased to announce and congratulate three clinical research grant awardees selected from the 2021 application round. These awardees will receive support for their respective research proposals through the ISN Clinical Research Program: Priya Pais, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, India Costs and Outcomes of PEdiatric (COPE) CKD – a Multicenter Prospective Study from Three...

Put Forward Your Research Article for a KI-ISN Early-Career Researcher Award

In recognition of the valuable contribution made by early-career researchers worldwide, Kidney International (KI) and the ISN will select four of the best original research papers published in KI in 2021 to receive a KI-ISN Early-Career Researcher Award. Discover the 2019/2020 winners and their research papers here. The winners of these awards (two basic and two...

New Paper on Global Transplantation Capacity Published Using ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas Survey Results

"Global Estimates of Capacity for Kidney Transplantation in World Countries and Regions" is available as a domain paper on the (ISN-GKHA) web page. Access the paper here. The paper reports on findings from the 2018 ISN GKHA survey on the availability and affordability of quality kidney transplantation across countries and regions. The ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas...

Read Chapter Three of the ISN-ACT Narrative-Based Clinical Trials Toolkit on Participating as a Trial Site

The ISN-ACT Clinical Trials Toolkit subgroup members are producing a series of stories based on ISN-ACT Clinical Trials Toolkit topics to facilitate understanding of key clinical trial methodologies. The third chapter of the Narrative-Based Clinical Trials (ISN-ACT) Toolkit uses a fictional clinical discussion to show what it takes to become a trial site using a fictional clinical discussion. A...

The ISN Hosts European Kidney Health Alliance Meeting to Promote Kidney Care Within the EU

The ISN hosted the European Kidney Health Alliance's (EKHA) Board of Directors, September 21-22, 2021. EKHA leaders met virtually with the Members of the European Parliament (MEP) Group for Kidney Health on September 22 to discuss the role of the European Union in promoting kidney health and improving access to kidney disease treatment in...

Position Paper on Emergency Preparedness to Reduce Future Impact of Pandemics Is the Focus of GCCH Meeting

The Global Circulatory Health Coalition's (GCCH) October meeting, "Responding to COVID-19: Circulatory Health in Crisis," focused on the recent launch of the position paper, "Preventing the Next Pandemic: The Case for Investment in Circulatory Health." Past ISN President Vivekanand Jha was present at the virtual meeting and moderated one of the sessions. Read the paper...

Celebrating ISN Collective-Member Societies: The Kenya Renal Association

KRA members on World Kidney Day 2021 This edition of ISN’s series on Collective-Member Societies features the Africa region and highlights the Kenya Renal Association (KRA). We spoke to the outgoing chair of the KRA, Ahmed Twahir, about ongoing local initiatives to raise kidney health awareness and improve kidney care services in the region. The KRA collaborates with...

Watch the “Community Choice Film Selection” and Vote for Your Favorite

Six film entries to the 2021 ISN Community Film Event that narrowly missed the shortlist now have a chance to be shortlisted for the Best Film Award 2022. Watch and vote your favorite film for 2022 Community Choice Film Selection here. A kidney transplant patient who decides to become a doctor. Hemodialysis in Togo: a harbinger of death or...

Watch Episode Two of the ISN Member Open Mic Series: Yannick Nlandu

ISN members are health professionals from across the globe working to reduce the burden of kidney diseases and provide optimal kidney care for patients.   The ISN Member Open Mic series offers ISN members the chance to share their professional experiences with the ISN member community.    Watch episode two here.     In this latest edition, Yannick Nlandu, from the Democratic Republic of...

Welcome the 2022 ISN WCN Social Media Team

How does the ISN meet the challenge of providing comprehensive coverage of WCN content across social media platforms in an engaging and informative way? Meet the 2022 ISN World Congress of Nephrology (WCN) Social Media Team here! A new ISN WCN SoMe team, made up of volunteers selected from current members of the @ISNeducation team and...

New Global Collaboration to Accelerate Treatments for Kidney Disease 

The ISN and the George Institute for Global Health have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to develop a network of patients with kidney disease willing to participate in clinical research projects, accessible through a single global CKD platform. The aim of the Global Kidney Patient Trials Network (GKPTN) is to accelerate the development...

The ISN Presents Eastern and Central Europe Pioneer Award and Supports CME Course at BANTAO 2021

The 16th BANTAO Congress (Balkan Association of Nephrology, Dialysis, and Artificial Organs) will be in hybrid format from October 29-31, 2021, in Tirana, Albania. The event provides a fitting platform to present László Rosivall with the ISN 2021 Pioneer Award for the Eastern and Central Europe region on October 30, 2021, at 11:10 a.m. CEST....