
Register for the Second Virtual Grand Rounds in Pediatric Nephrology

Join us for the second Grand Rounds in Pediatric Nephrology on Friday, June 25, 2021, at 3 p.m. CEST: Make the peritoneal membrane work for you Register here This session on optimizing PD focuses on a case study involving a seven-year-old girl with primary steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome secondary to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis that progressed rapidly to end-stage...

From Green Technologies in Nephrology to DNA Self-Assembly: Announcing the WCN’22 Plenary Speakers and Topics

The ISN announces distinguished plenary speakers presenting on a range of engaging topics at WCN'22: Green Technologies in Dialysis/Green Nephrology Frances Mortimer, Medical Director at the Center for Sustainable Healthcare, Oxford, UK.   Advocacy for (Kidney) Disease: Patient View and How to Get Results Alonzo Mourning, Co-Founder of Mourning Family Foundation, South Florida.   Human Genome Editing, Ethics and Global Concerns Indira...

Powerful Stories Raise Awareness: Submit Your Story to the ISN Community Film Event

The ISN Community Film Event offers an opportunity to showcase real-world experience to engage an audience on kidney health issues. Watch the 2021 finalists here. ISN members are invited to film an account of people living with or treating patients with kidney diseases: How have your patients coped with a kidney disease diagnosis? How have you cared...

World Kidney Day Steering Committee Article Published in The Guardian Newspaper

The World Kidney Day (WKD) Steering committee co-chairs, Professor Robyn Langham and Professor Kam Kalantar, wrote an article on the Living Well with Kidney Disease Campaign, which features in a current supplement to the UK newspaper The Guardian. The article supports the recently launched Kidney Health 2021 Campaign initiated by Health Awareness, a Mediaplanet website dedicated to news, information, and personal...

The DICG Launches Course on the Declaration of Istanbul and Ethical Issues in Transplantation

Experts in the field of organ trafficking and transplant tourism will guide participants through important aspects of the Declaration of Istanbul (DOI), the role of the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group (DICG), and ethical issues in transplantation. Access the complete course here by creating a free account. The ten-part course is designed to allow participants to complete each module at...

The ISN Launches the “Community Choice Film Selection”

ISN members from all over the world submitted high-quality films to the 2021 edition of the ISN Community Film Event, recounting compelling stories of patients and healthcare professionals affected by kidney diseases. Only a limited number of films could be selected to compete for the 2021 award. Many stories deserving of a wider audience only...

The ISN Framework for Developing Dialysis Programs in Low-Resource Settings: A Practical Guide for Sustainable Kidney Care Strategies

Download the "ISN framework for developing dialysis programs in low-resource settings" and share it with your network. The framework, developed in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), supports health systems to generate resource-sensitive solutions to care for kidney disease patients in low-resource settings. It provides broad guiding principles and intends to serve as a...

Register for the Spotlight on ISN Activities Webinar: World Kidney Day Edition

Join us on Thursday, June 10, 2021, at 4 p.m. CEST: "ISN-IFKF Webinar: Spotlight on World Kidney Day - Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease." Register here. Get answers to your questions from an international lineup of speakers or share your World Kidney Day experience with the audience. The ISN' Spotlight Sessions' comprise a series of free online exchanges broadcast throughout the...

Discover the World Kidney Day Impact Report

On March 11, 2021, over 1,100 World Kidney Day (WKD) activities in 86 countries were held to raise awareness of kidney health to improve the quality of life for kidney disease patients. Explore the 2021 WKD Impact Report. The 2021 WKD Impact Report highlights key accomplishments from the 2021 campaign. It includes a photo gallery, social...