Academy News

The ISN Academy is the International Society of Nephrology’s educational platform, designed and curated by the ISN Education Working Group (EWG). The ISN Academy has hundreds of hours of original content developed and published each year under EWG’s guidance and review. You will find content from regionally diverse group of presenters and contributors, from high and low to middle-income countries to ensure relevance to all who work in the nephrology community.

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ISN Academy News

Episode 4 of the ISN Global Kidney Care Podcast on “SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Patients with Kidney Diseases”

In Episode 4 of the ISN Global Kidney Care Podcast (GKCP) series, the hosts converse with Hernando Trujillo and Angel Sevillano (Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre in Madrid, Spain) authors of the Kidney International Reports article, “SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Hospitalized Patients With Kidney Disease.” The discussion considers the findings in the article and explores the professional and personal struggles...

Free Access to Seminars in Nephrology issue on Nephrology and Social Media

Due to its timeliness, Seminars in Nephrology has made the current issue, Nephrology and Social Media, fully available to the public. This issue focuses on the way medical professionals (#medtwitter) use Twitter and analyzes Twitter's role as a new tool for learning, teaching, networking, professional development, mentorship, sponsorship, and advocacy within medicine. The edition examines the principles of adult...

The Young Nephrologists Committee Welcomes New Members

The Young Nephrologists Committee (YNC) is excited to welcome seven new members representing different regions of the globe: Alexandra Cambier, from France, is a pediatric nephrologist and immunologist with a specialty in pediatric IgA nephropathy. Her primary research interest is the identification of biomarkers for IgA nephropathy in children. She joined the YNC partly to...