Academy News

The ISN Academy is the International Society of Nephrology’s educational platform, designed and curated by the ISN Education Working Group (EWG). The ISN Academy has hundreds of hours of original content developed and published each year under EWG’s guidance and review. You will find content from regionally diverse group of presenters and contributors, from high and low to middle-income countries to ensure relevance to all who work in the nephrology community.

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ISN Academy News

China’s regional training centers partner to help each other

In response to the uneven state of nephrology care in China, ISN Regional Training Centers are responding to the educational needs of local medical communities. Ming-hui Zhao, ISN's regional board chair for North East Asia, explains how regional collaboration is key to improving treatment for patients. In Beijing and Shanghai, care is advancing while in...

Following up on care with Albania’s nephrology community

Some 130 participants joined a panel of international and local speakers in Tirana, Albania for the first ISN Continuing Medical Education Program in the country. Together they aimed to put the spotlight on chronic kidney disease (CKD) and teach more about how to improve follow-up and renal replacement therapy. This event was endorsed by ISN and...

A new online kidney assessment tool!

I am thrilled to share that our online kidney health assessment tool is now available in Chinese and Punjabi, in addition to English. To start using the tool, CLICK HERE. Throughout March (Kidney Month), all the BC Renal Agency Kidney Smart activities will drive traffic to the assessments, which provide people with a quick overview of their...

UK and Egypt sister centers take education up a level

Teams from Mansoura International Hospital (Egypt) and the UK's Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, NHS recently played a important role in leading training activities during kidney week at Minya University in Egypt. Local professionals took part in several valuable, hands-on workshops, focusing on interventional nephrology, parathyroidectomy, continuous renal replacement therapy, nutrition, renal and Dopper ultrasound as well as engineering. The week of activities also...

Going beyond the unknown

The Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology (CKDu) Consortium sets out to educate us about the international effort to fight CKDu, helping to understand the causes and slow down the impact of this mysterious form of CKD.   Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology (CKDu) constitutes a fatal and progressive loss of kidney function. It has...