The ISN Academy is the International Society of Nephrology’s educational platform, designed and curated by the ISN Education Working Group (EWG). The ISN Academy has hundreds of hours of original content developed and published each year under EWG’s guidance and review. You will find content from regionally diverse group of presenters and contributors, from high and low to middle-income countries to ensure relevance to all who work in the nephrology community.
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ISN Academy News
ISN Scientific Writing Course 2017
There is nothing new about the disparity that exists regarding specific health needs and clinical challenges in the developed and resource limited nations. Are medical advances that emerge in clinical research from the developed nations truly relevant and applicable to the rest of the world? To dig further into this issue, the ISN Clinical Research...
India’s students join the Science Writing Course
The Scientific Writing Course starts today in Bangalore, India. We wish all students a great learning experience and hope they pick up many new writing skills and valuable tips, helping them to successfully get published. It is the first regional meeting of its kind in the region. Each workshop helps physicians and researchers from different...
Get your latest editions of Kidney International and Seminars in Nephrology
Get your latest editions of Kidney International and Seminars in Nephrology Make use of access to the ISN Academy to read the latest edition of Kidney International. Check out the latest from Seminars in Nephrology. Read the May 2017 Issue of Kidney International on ISN Academy. Our flagship journal informs the renal researcher and the...
ISN launches the ISN Academy
The ISN Academy has now arrived. Brand new, interactive and user-friendly, this e-learning portal and mobile app deliver the latest knowledge in nephrology - where and when you need it. Gain complete free access to 5,900 pieces of content across 20 topics, including an extensive mix of presentations, webinars, e-curriculums, guidelines, cases and articles. The plenary and session presentations,...
Call is now open for the ISN Clinical Research Program
The ISN Clinical Research Program (CRP) Committee promotes research and education programs in low-to-middle-income countries that involve local nephrologists, health workers and authorities. Applications are now open for this ISN Program, deadline is May 1st, 2017. The Committee funds small research projects to detect and manage non-communicable chronic diseases such as Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD),...
Join the ISN endorsed Infectious and Global Nephrology Course 2017 at a reduced rate
ISN Members can register, at a reduced rate, for the upcoming ISN endorsed Infectious and Global Nephrology Course 2017, taking place at the Royal Free Hospital in London on March 22 and 23, 2017. This two-day course will cover renal disease secondary to infectious agents and the management of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) and Chronic...