Academy News

The ISN Academy is the International Society of Nephrology’s educational platform, designed and curated by the ISN Education Working Group (EWG). The ISN Academy has hundreds of hours of original content developed and published each year under EWG’s guidance and review. You will find content from regionally diverse group of presenters and contributors, from high and low to middle-income countries to ensure relevance to all who work in the nephrology community.

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ISN Academy News

This week in ISN Education

This week ISN Education brings a collection of presentations from ISN leaders on the topic of Acute Kidney Injury that were presented within the context of recent Continuing Medical Education programs in Indonesia and Mexico. The presentations cover recent advances in nephrology and treatment strategies. CLICK HERE for further information.

New Dialysis Webinar Series begins this week

In collaboration with ISN’s Dialysis Committee, ISN Education is launching a new series of webinars focused on prominent themes in dialysis in 2016 and 2017. They will be moderated by renowned dialysis experts. The first will kick off next on June 10, 2016 with Brett Cullis’ talking about "PD Access in Acute and Chronic Kidney...

ISN ANIO CNC Program success published in KI

Kidney International (KI) has now reported on the success of the ISN ANIO Online Clinical Nephropathology Certificate (CNC) Program as an innovative form of training for renal pathologists globally. ISN and the American Nephrologists of Indian Origin (ANIO) developed a year-long web-based Clinical Nephrology Certificate Program for physicians looking for training in the principles and...

Forefronts Vienna: abstract submission and registration open soon

As of April 29, 2016, send your abstracts and register for the ISN Forefronts symposium taking place in Vienna from December 9 to 11, 2016. The theme for this meeting is regulatory RNAs and the kidney. Non-coding RNAs regulate normal cellular functions but are also critical regulators of disease processes. Therefore, they are being explored...

Next Science Writing Academy set for September

Following this year’s World Kidney Day, The Mario Negri Institute is happy to announce that there will be another edition of the Scientific Writing Academy, taking place from September 12 to 18, 2016  in Ranica, Bergamo, Italy. Fighting kidney diseases involves research and publication, as much as working directly with patients. “Our academy hopes to...

The influence of diet on kidney stones

Having discussed the influence of lifestyle modification on prevention of chronic kidney disease in previous columns extensively, I will now turn my attention to its effect on prevention of kidney stones. Almost five percent of adults in the US suffer from kidney stones, with more than half having multiple recurrences. Patients end up in...