The ISN Academy is the International Society of Nephrology’s educational platform, designed and curated by the ISN Education Working Group (EWG). The ISN Academy has hundreds of hours of original content developed and published each year under EWG’s guidance and review. You will find content from regionally diverse group of presenters and contributors, from high and low to middle-income countries to ensure relevance to all who work in the nephrology community.
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ISN Academy News
New Cochrane Library released: Corticosteroids for nephrotic syndrome in children
In partnership with Cochrane Kidney and Transplant, ISN Education is pleased to present new Cochrane Library materials on Corticosteroids for nephrotic syndrome in children. This Cochrane review evaluates how corticosteroids treatment might be safely and most effectively used to treat steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome in children. Find out more, HERE. In addition to this publication on ISN Education, the full Cochcrane review...
ISN Forefronts: The metabolome and microbiome connection
Kumar Sharma shares his views on the theme of the ISN Forefronts symposium - the interaction of the metabolome and microbiome and its link to kidney disease. San Diego is the location of the first of two* ISN Forefronts Symposia in 2016. The city is the bed of much fundamental knowledge on metabolites that has led to many breakthroughs in...
New GOP article on publicly-funded renal replacement therapy in Brazil
This week ISN Education is proud to present a new research article published from the Global Outreach Postings (GOP) Program. Submitted by Augusto Cesar Soares dos Santos Junior, the article, "Prevalence of patients receiving publicly-funded renal replacement therapy in Brazil: regional inequities and costs," will also be published in a next edition of The Open Urology &...
Four chapters of Understanding Kidney Diseases available on ISN Education
ISN Education has released four free chapters of Understanding Kidney Diseases by Hugh Rayner, Mark Thomas and David Milford. Kidney diseases and the speciality of nephrology have traditionally been regarded as difficult to understand, particularly due to the use of complex definitions and terminology. This text aids medical students and trainee doctors in developing their knowledge...
Free online patient education resource available in 20 languages
I would like to introduce everyone to a free online patient education resource that has now been translated into 20 languages and has over 20 million hits - A revised and updated English version, edited by Edgar Lerma, has now been digitized and is ready to be released.
Presentations from SLANH’s AKI Online Course available in Spanish
In partnership with the Latin-American Society of Nephrology and Hypertension (SLANH), ISN Education is pleased to release presentations from SLANH’s Online Course: AKI in Primary Health Care. These presentations are in Spanish and were part of a previous online e-learning module. ISN Education offers various content throughout various topical channels, Ask the Expert and Educational Webinars and...