
Join us for the WKD Webinar on Thursday

To mark World Kidney Day (WKD), the joint steering committee will host two sessions of an official webinar highlighting different aspects of the 2022 theme, "Kidney Health for All - Bridge the Gap to Better Kidney Care."  Register for the webinars here.  The panel, which includes participation from ISN President Agnes Fogo and the International Federation...

Get the Training and Support You Need to Improve Kidney Care in Your Community: Apply for an ISN Fellowship

The deadline to apply is May 1, 2022 – apply here. ISN Fellows can make a real impact on advancing kidney care in their home region by: Providing better standards of care for their patients Training other doctors and healthcare professionals in the area Pioneering new programs to improve access to treatments and services, such as peritoneal dialysis,...

Would You Like to Support the ISN Ravi Mehta AKI Fellowship Program?

The ISN invites you to make a financial contribution to the Ravi Mehta AKI Fellowship Fund here. If you are donating with a US check, please send it to the International Society of Nephrology, 340 North Ave, 3rd Floor, Cranford, NJ 07016, USA, with the reference “Ravi Mehta AKI Fellowship.” For any additional information, please contact...

Apply for an ISN Ravi Mehta AKI Fellowship

The ISN Ravi Mehta AKI Fellowship fund supports one ISN Fellow per year from a low-resource country to train in acute kidney injury (AKI) or continuous renal replacement therapy. This training enables nephrologists to significantly improve the standards of kidney care in their home countries. Candidates should submit their application to the main ISN Fellowship...

Watch the ISN Webinar on Challenges and Opportunities for Interventions in CKDu

More than 100 people attended the ISN webinar "Challenges and Opportunities for Interventions in CKDu" organized by the ISN i3C (International Consortium CKDu Collaborators) Network on February 17, 2022. Moderated by Shuchi Anand, the webinar focused on the need for interventions to benefit patients and communities affected by chronic kidney disease of Are you interested in...

Listen to the World Kidney Day Special Edition of the ISN Global Kidney Care Podcast

The Global Kidney Care Podcast (GKCP) has recorded a special WKD episode, "World Kidney Day: Health Literacy, a Call for All Nephrologists." Listen to the special WKD edition of the GKCP here. In this episode, Roberto Pecoits-Filho and Smeeta Sinha discuss the history of WKD and the 2022 campaign theme and goals with members of the WKD Steering...

Advocacy and Policy Course Equips Participants to Campaign for Better Kidney Health

The ISN's first “Advocacy and Policy Course - New Skills for the Modern Nephrologist” was held on February 24 at the World Congress of Nephrology 2022. The course, intended for anyone interested in advocating for kidney health, covered the principles and practicalities of designing and conducting effective advocacy campaigns to equip participants with the knowledge,...

Patient Liaison Advisory Group Pledges to Shape Patient Perspectives Within ISN Initiatives at WCN’22 Launch

The Patient Liaison Advisory Group, comprising a patient representative from each of the ten ISN regions, will support ISN’s efforts to shape patient-centered health initiatives and research programs to address the burden of kidney disease worldwide. The group was officially launched at the World Congress of Nephrology 2022. Following opening remarks from the ISN President,...

Connect With Experts on March 17 for a Webinar on Migrant and Refugee Transplant Issues

The Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group (DICG) will present specific issues arising from current global crises generating fertile ground for illicit organ removal and posing challenges to the interpretation of the Declaration of Istanbul (DOI). These include an increase in refugees and migrants due to conflicts and humanitarian crises and a decrease in available...

Statement from the ISN on the situation in Ukraine

As a global professional society representing kidney care professionals from 163 countries via our 10 regional boards, the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) reiterates its support for our members and the patients they serve across the world, especially during periods of man-made or natural catastrophe. Noting the current tragic events in Ukraine, and those challenges in other parts of the world,...

Announcing Three New ISN-TTS Sister Transplant Centers Partnerships and One Graduating Pair

The ISN and The Transplantation Society (TTS) are pleased to announce the results from the latest round of applications to the ISN-TTS Sister Transplant Centers Program. Six centers will work in pairs over the next few years toward creating new kidney transplant centers and developing existing kidney transplant programs in the emerging health centers: Mittaphab Hospital, Laos,...

Drum Roll, Please! ISN Young Nephrologists On-Stage at WCN’22

By Siah Kim (Australia), Member, Young Nephrologists Committee WCN'22 is just around the corner, and the Young Nephrologists Committee is thrilled to invite all young nephrologists (and the young at heart!) to a program packed with exciting events planned with you in mind. On Friday, February 25 at 18:00 MYT, we kick off the Young Nephrologists...

Read the World Kidney Day Scientific Editorial in Kidney International

The World Kidney Day (WKD) Steering Committee submits an annual scientific editorial to a range of medical journals as part of WKD efforts to increase kidney disease awareness. Read this year's editorial, "Kidney health for all: bridging the gap in kidney health education and literacy," in Kidney International here. Find a summary of the article on...

Newly Revised ISN-ACT Clinical Trials Toolkit Available to Explore Now

Explore the second revised edition of the ISN-ACT Clinical Trials Toolkit here.  The online Clinical Trials Toolkit was first launched in 2020 to provide the kidney community with a central and user-friendly resource for those wishing to participate in randomized research. Watch a short introductory video on the toolkit here. Listen to a podcast on the toolkit here (episode...

Help Advance Kidney Care in Your Region: Apply for an Interventional Nephrology Scholarship

The ISN is currently inviting applications for ISN Interventional Nephrology Scholarships. The deadline to apply is April 1, 2022. Start your application here. These short courses offer training in interventional nephrology procedures to ISN members from low- and middle-income countries. Successful applicants will train at ISN Interventional Nephrology Training Centers from July 2022 to February 2023. Applicants...

Did You Catch the February Pre-Congress Newsletter?

The February edition of the pre-congress newsletter features a sneak preview of WCN'22 content from prominent guest speakers: Brenda Hemmelgarn on shared decision-making to treat chronic kidney disease Lydia Kamaruzaman on improving kidney function testing Frances Mortimer on sustainable kidney care Kar Hui Ng on the genetic causes of kidney disease in Asia Katalin Susztak on genetic markers for inflammation...

Take Part in the WKD #ShowYourKidneys Social Media Challenge

The World Kidney Day (WKD) online challenge #ShowYourKidneys is a fun way to highlight where the kidneys are in the body and what they do. It's easy to take part! Take a picture of yourself - front or back view - using your fists to indicate the location of your kidneys. Add a special kidney-themed frame to your photo: Download here. Share...

It’s Showtime! WCN’22 Raising-the-Curtain Sessions Launch Today! 

Welcome to the start of an invigorating week of science, education, and networking at the World Congress of Nephrology 2022.  February 21-27 – The week ahead at a glance:  Monday: ISN Raising-the-Curtain sessions  Tuesday: ISN Raising-the-Curtain sessions  Wednesday: The Professor Donal O’Donoghue, Global Kidney Policy Forum   Thursday:  Pre-congress courses   Friday-Sunday:    World Congress of Nephrology 2022 Scientific Program  Registration for the...

Promoting Global Kidney Health at the WHO 150th Session of the Executive Board

The ISN advocacy team submitted three statements supporting global kidney health, as a co- and sole-signatory, at the 150th session of the World Health Organization’s Executive Board, held virtually, 24-29 January 2022. Working alongside Global Coalition for Circulatory Health (GCCH) members, the ISN co-signed a statement on WHO’s work in health emergencies, calling on member...