
New Lancet Kidney Campaign Update puts forward advice for CKD patients during Ramadan

During the holy month of Ramadan, the majority of health care professionals wonder what advice to give Muslim patients diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD). In our most recent Lancet Kidney Campaign Update, Mona Alrukhaimi examines the topic and reviews the main concerns and best recommendations. We hope you enjoy this update and stay tuned for...

Cochrane Library: Corticosteroids for nephrotic syndrome in children

In its continued partnership with Cochrane Kidney and Transplant, ISN Education is pleased to announce that the spoken podcast for the Cochrane Library is now available in Russian. You can now find out more about corticosteroid therapy for nephrotic syndrome on ISN Education. This Cochrane Kidney and Transplant review from 2015 evaluates how corticosteroids treatment...

Educational site visit to Cambodia

Bernadette Thomas travelled to Phnom Penh, Cambodia for an educational site visit and evaluated the possibility of carrying out an acute kidney injury incidence study. This blog post details the outcome of her trip. Medical Students who are at the end of their medical training assembled for two teaching sessions over two consecutive days. Day...

iNET-CKD: a successful example of international partnership

This blog post is provided by Paula Orlandi, Naohiko Fujii, Lisa Nessel, Harold I. Feldman. The International Network for Chronic Kidney Disease Cohort Studies (iNET-CKD) links chronic kidney disease (CKD) cohorts from all over the world to promote research on this rapidly growing public health issue. It is supported by the International Society of Nephrology (ISN)...

ISN and Elsevier announces the launch of Kidney International Reports

ISN, the global medical society devoted to advancing kidney care worldwide and Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical, and medical information products and services, have announced the launch of Kidney International Reports (KI Reports). This new bi-monthly, open access journal will publish leading research and developments related to kidney disease. Led by Editor-in-Chief Jai Radhakrishnan,...

This week in ISN Education

This week ISN Education brings a collection of presentations from ISN leaders on the topic of Acute Kidney Injury that were presented within the context of recent Continuing Medical Education programs in Indonesia and Mexico. The presentations cover recent advances in nephrology and treatment strategies. CLICK HERE for further information.

Winners of membership survey prize draw

Thank you to all who completed the ISN membership survey. You have helped us donate $5,000 to the World Kidney Fund. While we are busy analyzing the results, congratulations to Elgun Haziyev (Azerbaijan), Luis Hortells (Spain), Srinivas Kosuru (India), Davlyn Dewar (Jamaica), Hui Liao Xiao (China) and Werner Keenswijk (Suriname), who each get a free...

New Dialysis Webinar Series begins this week

In collaboration with ISN’s Dialysis Committee, ISN Education is launching a new series of webinars focused on prominent themes in dialysis in 2016 and 2017. They will be moderated by renowned dialysis experts. The first will kick off next on June 10, 2016 with Brett Cullis’ talking about "PD Access in Acute and Chronic Kidney...

ISN signs the Mexico Declaration on Circulatory Health for All People

On June 5th, 2016, ISN joined leading health organizations in signing the Mexico Declaration on Circulatory Health for All People. The Declaration recognizes the need for health professionals, governments, businesses and the public to fight the increasing number of premature deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD). It will ensure better prevention, diagnosis and management of circulatory disease,...

Winners of free passes to Vicenza course 2016

Congratulations to Hermann Biao and Paraskevi Pavlakou who will each receive free passes to the 34th Vicenza course on acute kidney injury and continuous renal replacement therapy, which is taking place next week in the city of Andrea Palladio, Italy. These passes include entry to all scientific sessions and the exhibition/poster area. Winners also get a copy...

ASN, ERA-EDTA and ISN Declaration of Collaboration

Today three major nephrology societies — the American Society of Nephrology (ASN), the European Renal Association – European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA), and the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) ― signed a declaration of collaboration. The organizations agreed that kidney disease is a global challenge that respects no boundaries or borders. Therefore, all available...

New KI editor in 2017

Detlef Schlondorff announced recently that he will be stepping down as Editor of Kidney International from the end of 2017. Under his leadership ISN’s flagship journal has continued to grow in impact and in appeal to its global readership. ISN is deeply indebted to Detlef and his editorial team. Soon ISN will commence the search for...

Obituary Evert J. Dorhout Mees

ISN announces with regret the death of Evert J. Dorhout Mees. He had a distinguished career as an academic nephrologist in Utrecht, The Netherlands. After retirement he moved to Ismir, Turkey where he did much to help strengthen nephrology in that part of the country. CLICK HERE for a fuller note about his achievements.

ISN Educational Ambassador Program application deadline extended to June 6, 2016

The deadline to apply for the ISN Educational Ambassador Program has been extended to June 6, 2016. Make use of this extra time to send your application. There are so many ways to share your expertise with others. The ISN Educational Ambassador Program reveals how knowledge partnerships are helping renal centers in low-and-middle income countries...

CKDu in Sri Lanka

Adeera Levin, Marcello Tonelli and David Harris represented ISN at a three-day workshop sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO), which took place in April in Colombo and focused on the epidemic of chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu). This is afflicting a large number of agricultural workers in Sri Lanka, particularly in...

Worldwide kidney transplantation – striking a balance

In 2014, there were about 80,000 kidney transplants from living and deceased donors globally. Deceased donation has increased, especially from donors after circulatory death. This group makes up more than 40% of deceased kidney transplantation activities in the Netherlands. It is also growing signifi cantly in Norway, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United...

World Kidney Day 2016 Kidney Disease and Children

On March 10th, 2016, the world stepped up to raise awareness about kidney health in younger generations. World Kidney Day (WKD) brought together members of the global medical community and general public to highlight the importance of kidney health. This year, the campaign set its sights on communicating about how much adult kidney disease is actually initiated in...

The Lancet Kidney Campaign puts the spotlight on kidney health policy

On World Kidney Day (WKD) 2016, ISN and The Lancet launched an online campaign to raise awareness of kidney disease aimed at the international health community.  The Lancet Kidney Campaign brings together the best available evidence to inform strategies to reduce the national, regional and global burden of kidney disease and its risk factors. ‘Despite the...

COLLABORATING for safer kidney transplants globally

Organ transplantation is the best and frequently the only life-saving treatment for end-stage organ failure. According to the WHO, almost 80,000 kidney transplants were performed globally in 2013. Although impressive, it is estimated that the activity represents less than 10% of the global need. This situation of acute organ shortage has come with its own set...

ISN ANIO CNC Program success published in KI

Kidney International (KI) has now reported on the success of the ISN ANIO Online Clinical Nephropathology Certificate (CNC) Program as an innovative form of training for renal pathologists globally. ISN and the American Nephrologists of Indian Origin (ANIO) developed a year-long web-based Clinical Nephrology Certificate Program for physicians looking for training in the principles and...