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Transplantation and organ donation led discussions at the first YNC workshop in China

Last December, the ISN Young Nephrologist Committee (YNC) hosted a workshop in Shenzhen, China. The workshop was organized by Qiquan Sun, ISN YNC member from China.

“The main objective was to bring together young leaders in transplant nephrology across China to discuss issues relating to deceased kidney donation and long and short-term graft survival,” says Jeffrey Perl, ISN YNC Chair.

Qiquan Sun explains that guest lecturers from the United States included Dicken Ko who spoke about the kidney transplantation program at Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital. Xian Li from Houston Methodist Hospital talked about the novel understanding of immune mediated tolerance of the kidney allograft.

A group of local speakers also took part in this meeting, giving lectures on deceased donor kidney transplantation – presenting several interactive challenging cases for discussion.

Perl adds: “We hope that this provided the foundation for more collaborations to help educate young transplant nephrologists so they become leaders in future clinical and research activities in kidney transplantation in China.”

The forum was attended by over 70 transplant nephrologists from across the country and it is hoped that it will lead to ongoing and continued advances in kidney transplantation.

For more information about the ISN Young Nephrologist Committee, CLICK HERE. This article appears in the February 2014 edition of ISN News, CLICK HERE.

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