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Kidney disease in Uganda

The developing countries of sub-Saharan Africa are under threat by an emerging epidemic of kidney disease. Populations are no longer solely affected by ‘diseases of poverty’ such as HIV/TB/malaria but also ‘diseases of affluence’ such as diabetes and hypertension.

Disease is often asymptomatic until end-stage disease develops requiring expensive treatment options such as transplant or dialysis.

In this programme I speak to patients in Uganda about how kidney disease has affected their lives, and the hardship of relying on expensive treatment options in a resource-poor country. I also speak to two experts about the issue; Dr Robert Kalyesubula is one of only four nephrologists serving Uganda’s population of 40 million people. Dr Gavin Dreyer is a nephrologist from London who has spent 3 years developing Malawi’s first dialysis centre. Both have first hand experience of both the clinical, economic and public health issues related to kidney disease in sub-Saharan Africa.

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