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Nepal earthquake: latest update from ISN RDRTF

The ISN Renal Disaster Relief Task Force (RDRTF) has released its latest update on supporting doctors in Nepal after the earthquake hit the region.

According to ISN RDRTF Chair Wim Van Biesen, the situation has stabilized and there is a sufficiently functional dialysis service. Thanks to the Nepalese Society of Nephrology patients are being dispersed more equally.

So far, the Tribhuwan University Teaching hospital (TUTH) has treated 1,100 disaster victims. The dialysis unit is also treating chronic patient from other centers. The task force has decided not to send a team for the moment.

However, Vivekanand Jha  and John Oommen are in the process of developing a web application based on the short version of the crush guidelines. This application will be available online soon free of charge, and can be used on different platforms (PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone).  This initiative should make the crush recommendations even more accessible, and allow rescue and healthcare workers onsite to refer to these guidelines at any time and place.

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