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WCN 2017 provides a first glimpse of the ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas


The ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas, presented at the ISN World Congress of Nephrology 2017 in Mexico City, highlights the huge gaps in kidney disease care and prevention in rich and poor countries alike.

A summary of the Atlas, prepared with the help of kidney experts worldwide, is being published simultaneously in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

The Atlas highlights the low priority many nations rich and poor are giving kidney care, despite its links to chronic diseases and the costs of inaction. Although only 1 to 2 in every 1000 people in high-income countries receives dialysis or transplantation, these services use up a staggering 2-3% of the total health budget in those countries. For every one person treated with dialysis or transplantation, 10 people with an earlier stage of CKD could be treated and prevented from progressing.

View the full document HERE.

Read the press release HERE.


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