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ISN North and East Asia regional workshop takes place Taipei

On December 9, 2017, the ISN North and East Asia regional workshop was held during the second International Congress of Chinese Nephrologists (ICCN) and the Taiwan Society of Nephrology’s (TSN) annual meeting.

The workshop was chaired by Ming-Hui Zhao and Chih-Wei Yang, the current Chair and Deputy-Chair of this region. ISN Program Chair John Feehally opened the meeting by introducing ISN’s philanthropic mission.

He also presented the ISN programs and activities, and explained the selection process behind the ISN Regional Pioneer award, which was handed out after the event. The 2017 Pioneer Award went to Dr. Wu-Chang Yang for his contribution to chronic kidney disease (CKD) prevention and treatment in Taiwan.

In the following session, Ming-Hui Zhao presented the current activities and accomplishments of the North and East regional board. Chih Wei Yang spoke about the TSN perspective with regards to the partnership between ISN and the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology (APSN).

There is expected to be closer collaboration to investigate CKD etiology and develop prevention strategies in Taiwan and contribute to global nephrology society. A joint symposium is set take to take place involving both societies.

Philip Li, President of APSN and ICCN, also took the opportunity to announce the launch a scholarship program co-sponsored by APSN, IACN and HKSN to enhance scholar exchange in the region.

The main theme of this workshop focused on the regional perspectives in creating an acute kidney strategy and raising awareness about CKD prevention.

Speakers from China (Ming-Hui Zhao, Luxia Zhang), Hong Kong (Cheuk-Chun Szeto, Sydney Tang) and Taiwan (Vincent Wu, Shang-Jyh Hwang) elaborated on the current status and perspectives of this region looking to work closer in developing strategies to combat kidney disease within this region. An informative symposium, it was chaired by Masaomi Nangaku, Daniel Chan, Yasuhiko Tomino and Fan-Fan Hou.

The meeting was closed by John Feehally after a panel discussion chaired by Philip Li, concluding a successful ISN Regional Workshop that helped to strengthen the Chinese nephrologist community.

Find out more about ISN Affiliated Societies, HERE. Discover all the winners of the 2017 Pioneer awards, HERE.

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