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Listen to the ISNeducation Renal Research Rounds Interview: The Cloth Masks Project

Rolando Claure-Del Granado, ISNeducation member, talks to Catherine Clase about her research into cloth masks for protection against COVID-19. *

Listen to the interview here. The interview discusses:

  • Differences between masks and mask-testing
  • Recommendations for materials to use for cloth masks (evidence-informed cloth masks)
  • Breathability issues
  • The role of cloth masks in preventing the spread of COVID-19

The Cloth Masks Project, initially launched in response to concerns about the safety of dialysis patients at the start of the pandemic, comprises a team of academics, physicians, and other volunteers to research published, peer-reviewed literature to inform the choice of materials and designs for cloth masks and mask use.

The Cloth Masks Project has compiled a review of filtration properties of cloth and cloth masks for health professionals and a plain-language summary of their findings for the general public, including how to make and maintain masks.

The ISN-COVID team has developed a visual abstract and infographic reflecting the research, available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch.

* Catherine Clase is Associate Professor of Medicine at McMaster University and Nephrologist at St Joseph’s Healthcare, Ontario, Canada,
Rolando Claure-Del Granado is Professor of Medicine at the Universidad Mayor de San Simon and Head Division of Nephrology, Hospital Obrero #2, Bolivia.

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