Author - ISN admin

KI Publishes Paper, Led by ISN Members, on Ethical Concerns Revealed by Pandemic

Ethics of kidney care in the era of COVID-19 The paper describes ethical concerns arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in the context of care for people with kidney disease, notably how to approach equitable access to dialysis during pandemic surges; the risks and benefits of different kidney failure treatments; and ethical practice when using...

Apply for an ISN Travel Grant to Attend WCN’21

The World Congress of Nephrology 2021 (WCN’21) organizers are pleased to offer a Travel Grant Program for online or in-person attendance to WCN’21. These grants support equitable access to ISN educational and networking opportunities and are available to ISN members residing in low and lower-middle-income countries (consult eligible countries.) WCN’21 Travel Grants offer: Pre-Congress Courses Registration (online and...

Share Your Kidney Care Story at the ISN Community Film Event

How have your patients coped with a kidney disease diagnosis? How was your medical team able to provide optimal care to kidney patients? Submit a short film describing the impact of kidney diseases on patients and dedicated healthcare professionals in your community. A jury will select submissions for screening at the Film Event hosted during WCN’21. The audience could select your film as the best film of 2021! The deadline for...

Save The Date- Webinar: SGLT2i in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Kidney Diseases

The webinar, Gathering Wisdom: SGLT2i in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Kidney Diseases, will be held on November 9, 2020, at 3 p.m. CET.  This symposium will focus on the current state of therapeutic options for CKD and DKD, with specific attention to accumulating evidence of recent SGLT2i trials.  The webinar is supported by an unrestricted educational grant by AstraZeneca.  Registration details will follow shortly. 

Abstract Submissions are Open for the 2021 Frontiers Meeting

Are you involved or interested in the field of complement-mediated kidney diseases?   The Organizing Committee and Chairs of the 2021 Frontiers Meeting invite you to actively participate in this “extraordinary occasion to exchange thoughts and experiences” by submitting abstracts for oral and poster presentations. “Young nephrologists and researchers will have the unique opportunity to gain visibility for their research and to...

Young Nephrologists Committee Announces Winners of Complimentary Registrations to Vicenza Course

The ISN is pleased to announce three winners of complimentary registrations to the upcoming 38th Vicenza Course on acute kidney injury (AKI) and continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). Selected by the ISN Young Nephrologists Committee, the ISN congratulates the following winners: Kristiane Rachel P Medina (Philippines) Fong Voon Ken (Malaysia) Enzo Christopher Vasquez Jimenes (Mexico) The Vicenza Course, postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will now take place in a...


The ISN is adapting to new global circumstances by creating successful events despite travel and gathering restrictions. The ISN Continuing Medical Education (CME) Program supports faculty experts to present virtual talks and workshops at regional, nephrology-related meetings. What educational program could help improve kidney care in your local community? We can offer support by: facilitating the involvement of expert speakers providing technical support to deliver...

Bring Your Expertise and Talent to ISN: Apply for a Leadership Position

The deadline to apply for leadership positions has been extended to Friday, October 30.  Help advance kidney health worldwide by applying to become a leader of an ISN committee, working group, or group in which ISN has representatives. Apply here. Our sincere thanks go to all members who have already submitted an application or nomination for a leadership position.

The ISN-ACT Clinical Trials Toolkit: Guidance and Best Practices

The ISN-ACT Clinical Trials Toolkit is an open-access, online resource to assist trial design, study conduct, data management, data analysis, and publication. More than ever, clinical trials in nephrology are needed to generate high-quality evidence to inform all aspects of care for patients with or at risk of kidney disease, including those affected by COVID-19. Access...