Other Advocacy

The Global Kidney Health Atlas

The Global Kidney Health Atlas (GKHA), part of the ISN Closing The Gaps CKD initiative, is co-chaired by Professor David Johnson (University of Queensland, Australia) and Dr Aminu Bello (University of Alberta, Canada). The purpose is to systematically evaluate the current state of readiness, capacity and competence for delivering kidney health care globally. World nations are being pushed...

CENCAM releases statement from Mesoamerican Nephropathy Workshop

The final board statement of the Consortium for the Epidemic of Nephropathy in Central America and Mexico / Consorcio de la Epidemia de la Nefropatía en Centroamérica y México (CENCAM) group in relation to chronic kidney disease (CKD) of unknown origin or mesoamerican nephropathy has been released for communication. ISN recently co-sponsored this event. This...

ISN Voices: The Caribbean

Some Caribbean states still have no nephrologists or nephrology services. Meeting and collaborating with colleagues in scientific research and enhancing training programs is why Everard Barton joined ISN.  "In Jamaica, there are only nine adult and two pediatric nephrologists. To help more patients, the Caribbean Institute of Nephrology, through the Department of Medicine at the University...

Join the RDRTF survey on patient data and the refugee crisis

The ISN Renal Disaster Relief Task Force (RDRTF) is looking to gather information relating to the current refugee crisis and kidney patients. Take part in this short survey to gather data on patient care. Recently, we have been struck by the news and pictures of the refugee crisis and the humanitarian disaster that accompanies it....

The International Congress of the International Society for Hemodialysis

The 9th International Congress of the International Society for Hemodialysis (ISHD) was held from September 13 to 16, 2015 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia. 1456 delegates, comprising 989 delegates from the host country Malaysia and 467 participants from other countries attended the Congress. The Congress was endorsed by several international organizations including the...

Interventional nephrology training responds to the need for better vascular care globally

The global growth of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients has resulted in an increasing number surviving on renal replacement therapy. Hemodialysis remains a predominant form of renal replacement therapy. Providing optimal dialysis vascular access care remains a challenging task. The birth of interventional nephrology represents a field dedicated to understanding and treating complex vascular access...

Join us in London!

ISN is taking part in the European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) congress this week. If you are planning to attend this event in London, come visit us at the ISN exhibition booth (D140) from Thursday, May 28 to Sunday, May 31, 2015. Participate in our draw for three free individual memberships....

ISN partners with the Andean Health Organization

ISN is happy to announce a new collaboration with the Andean Health Organization Organismo Andino de Salud–Convenio Hipólito Unanue, (ORAS-CONHU). The partnership will last until 2017. ORAS CONHU will partner with ISN in dealing with issues related to kidney health including chronic kidney disease, dialysis, kidney transplantation and prevention of kidney-related diseases including diabetes and hypertension. ORAS-­CONHU...

ISN meets its patron HRH Prince Daniel of Sweden

Last week, ISN President Giuseppe Remuzzi, Peter Stenvinkel and ISN Executive Director Luca Segantini met His Royal Highness Prince Daniel of Sweden, CLICK HERE. His Royal Highness has been a patron of ISN since last year. During the meeting, he learned more about ISN's general activities and the programs that are alleviating the growing socio-economic burden of...