
WCN 2015: sustainability and diversity in nephrology

ISN, the South African Renal Society, the African Association of Nephrology and the Renal Care Society of South Africa are gearing up for next year’s World Congress of Nephrology (WCN) in South Africa. Check out the latest program online. As previous editions of WCN have shown, sustainability and diversity are increasingly relevant to kidney doctors worldwide. These topics are the themes of WCN...

Register to a series of our new short webinars organised by ISN Education

ISN Education is organising short webinars of maximum 30 minutes, every month held by renowned ISN experts, followed by a live Q&A session. ISN Education has started this year with a series of short webinars. You can find the recordings of the past webinars on our portal's Education section. Have a look and register to our upcoming sessions: Open...

ISN Forefronts Boston: send your abstract before May 26, 2014

Register and send your abstract for this upcoming ISN Forefronts symposium taking place in Boston, Massachusetts from from September 11 to 14, 2014. If you want to catch the early bird registration fee, CLICK HERE as this offer closes on June 30, 2014. Make sure to also send in your abstracts before May 26, 2014. CLICK HERE for further information. This edition of...

ISN Forefronts Charleston: intrinsic regulation of kidney function

“Extrinsic” regulation of renal function by factors such as circulating hormones or nerves is critically important for body homeostasis and has been extensively studied. The kidneys also have a substantial capacity for “intrinsic” regulation of their physiology and pathophysiology, involving a large and growing number of paracrine and autocrine factors including, but not limited...

Call for official ISN WCN 2015 post congress satellite symposia

As part of their respective outreach programs, ISN, the South African Renal Society, the African Association of Nephrology and Renal Care Society of South Africa are inviting local and regional societies to take advantage of the World Congress of Nephrology (WCN) 2015 to organize relevant and related scientific meetings in other locations within the same geographical region after the main congress. WCN...

Catch the regulatory science session at Nexus Bergamo 2014

A regulatory science session is set to take place at the upcoming ISN Nexus Symposium in Bergamo, Italy. Register today to take part. The session is one of the highlights of an exciting program. “We are especially pleased to announce that all three major regulatory agencies – the FDA, the EMA and the PMDA – will be represented at...

ISPD congress 2014

Join us at the 15th Congress of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis taking place in Madrid, Spain in September. Thanks to a ground breaking translational program, this congress will draw together experts from all over the world. Here are some deadlines to bear in mind. ISN is running an ISN Joint Session on PD...

CRRT 2014 Live broadcasts

CRRT 2014 Live broadcasts ISN Education teams up again this year with CRRT2014 to offer live broadcasts of selected plenary sessions from the 19th International Conference on Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies: Acute Kidney Injury: Controversies, Challenges and Solutions and Advances in Critical Care that will be held in San Diego from March 4-7, 2014. More details...

Request for applications: mini-sabbaticals in nephropathology

The International Society of Nephrology Renal Pathology Committee seeks applications for one mini-sabbatical for a nephropathologist from a developing country (as defined by the ISN) to provide partial support for short term in-depth study of renal pathology, by immersion in an established expert renal pathology laboratory for up to two weeks, in conjunction with...

Announcing WCN 2015

ISN is proud to announce that the next World Congress of Nephrology (WCN 2015) will take place in Cape Town, South Africa from March 13-17, 2015 ( WCN 2015 is a global ISN event hosted by the South African Renal Society (SARS) in partnership with the African Association of Nephrology (AFRAN) and the Renal Care Society of South Africa (RCSSA), and...