
YNC welcomes new chair

The Young Nephrologists Committee (YNC) would like to welcome its new Chair Rolando Claure-Del Granado, who will take over from Jeffrey Perl. Many thanks to Jeffrey for his dedicated efforts in the last few years.   Perl says: “We have seen our committee grow in breadth and scope with representation from across the globe. Workshops to improve...

Former ISN President from Australia visits ISN headquarters

On February 25, ISN staff at the Brussels headquarters had the pleasure of meeting former ISN President prof. Robert Atkins (2001-2003), and his wife, prof. Prudence Hill, also involved in kidney medicine being a pathologist at University of Melbourne. It was a great opportunity to remember the time when ISN, thanks to prof. Atkins’ foresight,...

Susan Quaggin becomes ASN’s newest councilor

Susan Quaggin, a long standing member of the ISN, has now become the American Society of Nephrology’s newest Councilor. Dr. Quaggin will begin her term during ASN Kidney Week 2015 and will serve through Kidney Week 2022. In the past three years, Susan Quaggin has provided great service to ISN as an ISN Executive Committee...

Death of ISN’s first woman President

ISN announces with great regret the death of Priscilla Kincaid-Smith of Melbourne, Australia. She was ISN President 1972-75, and until this year had been ISN's only woman President. CLICK HERE for a brief summary of her remarkable achievements in Australian and international nephrology. Here is a video from the "Shaping a Nation" series, celebrating some of Australia's most...

Canada honors ISN President Adeera Levin

ISN is delighted to announce that today the Government of Canada has appointed Adeera Levin as a Member of the Order of Canada. The Order recognizes outstanding achievement, dedication to the community and service to the nation, and recognizes people in all sectors of Canadian society. This is Canada’s highest honor, and a wonderful recognition of...

Join the ISN General Assembly

The ISN General Assembly will meet on Monday March 16, 2015 to hear and discuss the reports from ISN President Giuseppe Remuzzi and Secretary General Ricardo Correa Rotter. Remuzzi will present the results of the elections, then Stuart Shankland and Luca Segantini will give the Treasurer’s report. Programs and activities will be also discussed, among them...

Latest op-ed from Past ASN President Sharon M. Moe

Read the latest op-ed by ASN Past President Sharon M.Moe: How To Cure Kidney Disease? Let's Start by Restoring NIH Funding. "It is clear that medical research in kidney care is imperative. However, investment in kidney research has stagnated. While the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services spends billions each year to care for patients with...