
Introducing the ISN Ethical Dialysis Taskforce

As part of the end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) focus, the ISN Ethical Dialysis Taskforce will publish reviews and position statements on ethical dialysis over the next few years. We already developed a first series of papers on ethical dialysis published in The Lancet. This will be relevant to emerging and developed countries. As a global society with...

Challenges of pediatric acute kidney injury in low- and middle-income countries

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is an increasingly significant yet underdiagnosed problem in pediatric care. In this latest Lancet update, colleagues from the International Pediatric Nephrology Association delve into international efforts to address this inequity, and what’s required from the World Health Organization and nephrology community to fulfil the 0by25 mission of zero preventable deaths from...

KI Reports: Heat stress and kidney health

One of this month’s most downloaded reports from Kidney International (KI) Reports is contributed by Fabiana Nerbass, winner of the ISN-H4KH New Investigator grant. This publication was made possible with valuable support from the ISN-H4KH New Investigator grant in partnership with Danone Nutricia. Fabiana Nerbass was awarded the funding in 2015.  Her research on “Occupational Heat Stress...

Learning lessons from Hong Kong’s ‘PD First Policy’

Between 2.3 and 7.1 million people die annually from End-Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD) due to a lack of access to dialysis. As a high-income country with expertise in peritoneal dialysis (PD), Hong Kong has a lot of practical experience to offer its neighboring low- and middle-income countries in tackling this growing issue. I highlighted the...

Read all your Kidney International journals on the new app

The Kidney International (KI) mobile app is now available to download for free on Apple and Google Play. The app includes access to all three ISN journals: KI, Supplements, and Reports. Tables of contents and article abstracts for the three journals are available for members to read as well as full-text articles for KI Reports...

Renal trials in diabetes need a platform: time for a global approach?

This recent commentary featured in The Lancet Diabetes Endocrinal 2017 focuses on the need for coordinated efforts and a large international database of patients with diabetes and nephropathy. It refers to ISN and its Advancing Clinical Trials group and Clinical Trial Networks who could be instrumental in achieving this objective. Read more HERE.

Kidney International leading nephrology journal on Google Scholar

According to the recent Google Scholar metrics, Kidney International is ranked first among all nephrology journals. Google Scholar Metrics provide an easy way for authors to quickly gauge the visibility and influence of recent articles in scholarly publications. Scholar Metrics summarize recent citations to many publications, to help authors as they consider where to publish their...

KI and KI Supplements impact factor 2016 now released

The 2016 Impact Factor information for Kidney International (KI) and KI Supplements has now been released. The KI 2016 Impact Factor is 8.395 (an increase from the 2015 IF of 7.683). The Kidney International Supplements 2016 Impact Factor is 5.593 (a decrease from the 2015 IF of 7.026). The increase in the KI 2016 Impact...

Get your latest editions of Kidney International and Seminars in Nephrology

Get your latest editions of Kidney International and Seminars in Nephrology Make use of access to the ISN Academy to read the latest edition of Kidney International. Check out the latest from Seminars in Nephrology. Read the May 2017 Issue of Kidney International on ISN Academy. Our flagship journal informs the renal researcher and the...