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The ISN Supports WHO’s Landmark Resolution at the World Health Assembly

On May 18, 2020, the ISN represented the global kidney health community at the 73rd session of the WHO’s World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva.

At this historic WHA, which took place virtually due to COVID-19-related restrictions, delegates adopted a landmark resolution to press for solidarity in addressing the pandemic.

The resolution calls for a joint and intensified effort to control the spread of the virus and to ensure access to COVID-19 treatments and future vaccines.

Working alongside the NCD Alliance and larger advocacy network, the ISN contributed to the WHA 73 discussions and achieved the important goal of including the NCD’s perspective within the resolution by issuing a joint statement, as well as the official ISN statement.

The ISN holds a long-standing relationship with the WHO and reiterates the need for a global health agency. The WHA provides an excellent platform for all stakeholders, including civil society organizations such as the ISN, to deliver statements and advocate for an inclusive approach to health, especially during pandemics such as the current COVID-19 crisis.

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