Author - iclaron

The Damanhur story: Spotlight on sister centers in Egypt and UK

The ISN Sister Renal Centers Program has supported a long-standing partnership between the Damanhur Medical National Institute in Egypt and the Sheffield Kidney Institute, UK. The collaboration has grown extensively raising awareness about prevention and training staff across different regions of Egypt. Under the mentorship of the team in Sheffield, the collaboration has been crucial...

Game changing late breaking trials at WCN 2019

Three trials that could spark change in the management of patient care. One of the important highlights of the recent ISN World Congress of Nephrology was the Late Breaking Clinical Trials session, which might be remembered as the start of a new era in the management of diabetic kidney disease. Three trials were presented during this...

Fellowship and Clinical Research Program awards handed out at WCN 2019

Congratulations to the winners of this year's Clinical Research and Fellowship Program awards! Both of these awards were sponsored by the Japanese Society of Nephrology (JSN). Many thanks to JSN for its support and helping us reward these ISN members for their achievements in the field of nephrology. The ISN Clinical Research Program supports research and education...

Apply for the ISN-KI Editorial Fellowship

Grasp the opportunity to train with the editors at Kidney International (KI) and KI Reports. Learn how to critically assess a manuscript, work as part of a team to evaluate the priority of manuscripts in a broader context, and discover how to manage the editorial responsibilities of a highly cited, reputable speciality journal. The ISN-KI Fellowship is a...

Stepping out for kidney health in Guatemala

400 people in the Southern city of Escuintla (Guatemala) joined a walk for ‘healthy kidneys’, organized by Angie Aguilar-González and colleagues from Guatemala’s Foundation for Children with Kidney Disease. As an ISN-Hydration for Kidney Health (H4KH) New Investigator, she is researching hydration patterns and renal function markers of young patients with a high-incidence of renal...

ISN awards nephrology community at WCN’19

The ISN World Congress of Nephrology was also the time to honor the achievements of our community, working together to advance kidney health worldwide. Chosen by ISN members, this year’s ISN award winners were proudly honored in various categories for their commitment to nephrology. Congratulations to all the winners and many thanks to all ISN...

ISN community welcomes new ISN President

Meet ISN President Vivekanand Jha (2019-2021) as he shares his thoughts and aspirations in his first video testimony. Vivekanand Jha has begun his tenure as ISN President and will lead the Society until April 2021. As Executive Director at The George Institute for Global Health (India) and a Professor of Nephrology at University of Oxford, he...

A new Presidency 2019-2021 – Passing the ISN gavel

The ISN World Congress of Nephrology symbolized the dedication and passion of our community. I’m delighted to start my tenure as ISN President and want to congratulate David Harris for his committed efforts over two truly inspiring years. I’m eager to keep up the momentum of his many achievements. A new Executive Committee and Council means...

Strengthening nephrology treatment for Senegal’s young patients

The ISN Educational Ambassadors Program and Saving Young Lives come together to support training collaboration for Senegal’s pediatric nephrologists, improving kidney care for the country’s younger generation. Younoussa Keita, from Hopital Aristide Le Dantec (Senegal) and Stefano Picca, ISN Educational Ambassador, pediatric nephrologist and former Head of Dialysis Unit at 'Bambino Gesù' Children's Hospital (Italy), joined...

Cross regional fellowship training links Kenya and South Africa

SN Fellow John Mutiso, from Makueni County Referral Hospital in Kenya spent a year under the mentorship of Graham Paget at Charlotte Maxeke, Johannesburg Academic Hospital, University of Witwatersrand in South Africa. Clinical nephrology was his chosen subject of study. About nephrology in Kenya, Dr. Mutiso explains that significant strides in kidney care has been...