
Thrive Professionally With ISN Membership Benefits – Join or Renew by January 1, 2023

ISN membership gives you access to information, publications and resources to further your knowledge and keep you up to date with current practices in kidney care, including: ISN Granting programs: emerging leaders, fellowships, continuing medical education, interventional nephrology training, and more Hundreds of webinars, courses, and ISN event content at the newly updated educational platform, the...

What Is the Kidney Function of Workers Exposed to Heat Stress After a Two-year Follow-up?

The paper "Kidney Function in Factory Workers Exposed to Heat Stress - a 2-year Follow-up Study" by Fabiana Nerbass has been published in the Journal of Occupational of Environmental Medicine. Read the article here.  The research highlights the value of collaboration among investigators, organizations and communities. Fabiana Nerbass, from Fundação Pró-Rim in Joinville, Brazil, received the...

What Are the Prerequisites for Early Identification of CKD? Find Out in Case Studies From ISN Members

Over the last 18 months, a group of ISN members has developed a series of case studies to illustrate how different countries implement early chronic kidney disease (CKD) detection programs. The researchers identified a list of prerequisites for successful early detection of CKD. Read the paper here. Countries included in the research are Taiwan, Uruguay, Canada, the...

Join the first ISN Global Trials Focus Twitter Space to Discuss the TESTING Randomized Clinical Trial on Oral Methylprednisolone

The first ISN Global Trials Focus (GTF) Twitter Space will be held on November 17, 2022, at 10 p.m. CET. The live audio discussion will address the GTF initiative and the Therapeutic Evaluation of Steroids in IgA Nephropathy Global (TESTING) Randomized Clinical Trial, “Effect of Oral Methylprednisolone on Decline in Kidney Function or Kidney Failure in...

Join ISN Supported Speakers at the ISN CME Immunologic Kidney Diseases Sessions at the 17th BANTAO Congress

The ISN Continuing Medical Education (CME) Program is supporting the 17th BANTAO Congress (Balkan Cities Association of Nephrology, Transplantation and Artificial Organs), taking place in Antalya, Turkey, November 10-12. ISN supported speakers, ISN Eastern and Central Europe Regional Board Chair Vladimir Tesar (Czech Republic), Andreas Kronbichler (Austria) and Mårten Segelmark (Sweden), will present at the...

The ISN Sister Renal Centers Partnerships Share Achievements and Challenges in Virtual Networking Workshops

  Participants at the SRC virtual networking workshops, sessions 1 and 2, chaired by Rukshana Shroff – deputy chair of the SRC Program Committee, and Chih-Wei Yang – chair of the SRC Program Committee Seventy participants from around the world took part in workshops organized by the ISN Sister Renal Centers (SRC) Program Committee in...

The ISN-Italian Society of Nephrology Joint Session on IgA Nephropathy Now Available to Watch on the ISN Academy

Watch the video here. The 63rd Annual Congress of the Italian Society of Nephrology (SIN) was held in October 2022 in Rimini, Italy. The ISN presented a joint session with SIN, "Treatment of IgA Nephropathy: Shall we select the Drug or the Patient?" presented by Rossana Coppo, chair of the ISN Western European Regional Board. 

Help Others Grow Professionally – Gift an ISN Membership for 2023

Why not show your appreciation of a colleague with the gift of ISN membership? ISN membership benefits can be enjoyed from January 1 through December 31, and include: ISN Grants to educate, train, and create partnerships that help improve kidney care in low and middle-income countries Newly-upgraded educational platform! Hundreds of hours of educational content at the...

Renew Your Membership to Stay Up to Date With Weekly Educational Releases; Become an ISN Member to Start Learning at the Newly-Upgraded Academy

The ISN has redesigned its educational platform - the ISN Academy: Explore the intuitive design Test our new search engine Track your progress and collect your certificates Renew your membership here to access the Academy Watch a short video to familiarize yourself with the new layout. Access all webinar recordings here Discover courses and curriculum here Explore ISN meeting content here Discover the...

The Kidney International Reports Community Blog Space Now Offers CME Credits

KI Reports Community is an online blog space featuring a range of content, including expert commentaries, article summaries, and infographics for the KI Reports kidney care community. The initiative is led by Sophia Ambruso and presents material authored by an international collective of physicians. The current content, "Treatment of C3GN: What's Next for Complement's Alternative...

Kidney International Publishes Results From the ISN Emerging Leaders’ Survey Exploring Barriers to Accessing Essential Medicines for People With CKD in Lower Income Countries

The first ISN Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) cohort developed a web-based multinational survey of healthcare workers to assess access and explore barriers to essential medicines in low and low to middle-income countries for people with CKD. Read the article on the results of the survey here. The survey confirms data from the 2019 ISN Global Kidney...

ISN Patient Liaison Advisory Group Member Discusses Parenthood With Kidney Diseases in the Latest “Nuances in Nephrology” Webinar Series

Fiona Loud, policy director at Kidney Care UK and member of the ISN Patient Liaison Advisory Group, was a key speaker at the ISN webinar, "Nuances in Nephrology: Parenthood With Advanced Kidney Disease or Transplantation," held in October. Liz Lightstone, ISN Executive Committee member whose research focuses on pregnancy in women with kidney disease, joined...

Obituary: Rashad Barsoum 1941 -2022

The ISN was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Professor Rashad Barsoum. Professor Barsoum served the ISN in several roles, including as ISN secretary-general from 1999-2005. He was a pillar of ISN’s most renowned programs, directing both the Fellowship and Sister Renal Centers Programs in the early 2000s. He received the Roscoe Robinson...

ISN Educational Ambassador’s Fourth Visit to Mongolian Hospital  Strengthens Kidney Care Team and Raises Awareness of Kidney Diseases

Dr. Mohamed Atta appears on national television in Mongolia during his recent visit to the country as ISN Educational Ambassador The ISN recently supported Dr. Mohamed G. Atta, Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, USA, to spend ten days presenting lectures and hands-on training in the State Second Central...

Kidney International Publishes the ADA-KDIGO Consensus Report on Diabetes Management in CKD

The consensus report identifies and highlights shared recommendations from the 2022 American Diabetes Association (ADA) Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes and the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) 2022 Clinical Practice Guideline for Diabetes Management in Chronic Kidney Disease. Read the consensus report here.  Consensus statements were drafted when recommendations from each organization aligned and...

ISN Young Nephrologists Committee Member Appointed to the WHO Youth Council

Members of the WHO Director-General’s Youth Council ISN Young Nephrologists Committee (YNC) member, Marina Wainstein, has been selected to serve on the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General’s Youth Council for a term of two years. At the Youth Council, Marina Wainstein will engage with young people from health and non-health backgrounds worldwide to advise the Director-General...

Download and Share New Tools on Complement 3 Glomerulopathy in the Complement-mediated Kidney Diseases Toolkit

Two infographics on complement 3 glomerulopathy (C3G) have been added to the "Complement-Mediated Kidney Diseases Toolkit." The visuals are on the presentation, histology, treatment and natural course of C3G, and key takeaways for clinicians in the management of C3G. Access the infographics here. The ISN launched the toolkit earlier this year to raise awareness of these diseases...

Five ISN Social Media Initiatives Nominated for Awards

The ISN is excited to announce that five of its social media activities have been nominated for the #NephJCKidneys Awards by NephJC in the "Nathan Hellman Social Media Project of the Year" category. The nominations are for: The #ISNQuiz – access here ISN Video Abstract Series – all editions available at the ISN Academy, Twitter, and Instagram ISN Education...

The ISN Holds First Consensus Meeting on Guidance for Optimal Pre-clinical Animal Studies in Translational Nephrology (TRANSFORM)

The ISN’s TRANSFORM meeting (TRAnslational Nephrology Science FOR new Medications) took place in Brussels, Belgium, from October 8-9, 2022. The meeting gathered patients, clinical and academic researchers, regulators, and industry partners to: Report ISN Research Working Group activities describing the current landscape and future possibilities. Reach consensus on guidance that optimizes animal study design and drives the...