
Research Working Group Members

First NameLast NameRoleCountry
FergusCaskeyDeputy ChairUnited Kingdom
DavidWheelerMemberUnited Kingdom
MaartenTaalMemberUnited Kingdom
ShuchiAnandMemberUnited States
AgnesFogoMember Ex-OfficioUSA
CharuMalikMember Ex-OfficioBelgium

September 1st Update: Apply for ISN Leadership position! Click green position title directly below to learn more.

Call for Expressions of Interest and Nominations for ISN-ACT (Clinical Trials) Committee Deputy Chair position

This call for expressions of interest and nominations is open to all ISN members in good standing.

Deadline to apply is 21 September 2021

The International Society of Nephrology (ISN) has multiple research activities embedded within various programs, initiatives and events. Each of these activities has links to Regional Boards, committees, initiatives and other programs within ISN and externally. All research activities are overseen by the ISN Research Working Group.

The ISN welcomes expressions of interest and nominations for the position of: ISN-ACT (Clinical Trials) Committee Deputy Chair

The ISN-Advancing Clinical Trials Committee sets out to generate a higher number of high-quality clinical trials and studies in nephrology, by connecting researchers and giving them tools and activities to support their projects.

The role of the Deputy Chair will be to support the Chair to implement the ISN strategic framework as defined by ISN Governance and together with the assigned ISN Headquarters staff advise and support decision making processes to select the most appropriate projects and candidates among applications received. A committee with balanced and diverse representation will support the Chair and Deputy Chair.

This is a volunteer leadership positions for a period of approximately 2 years, commencing at WCN 2022.  The Deputy Chair is expected to take the role of Chair after approximately 2 years (commencing at WCN 2024). The position attracts no remuneration.

This call for expressions of interest and nominations is open to all ISN members in good standing.

If you would like to apply to a regular ISN supporting group member position to get acquainted with our work, we welcome your application as well.

Timelines and next steps

Please submit your expression of interest or nomination by e-mail to by Tuesday, 21 September 2021.

If you wish to apply, please send a short CV (max. 4 pages) with a list of publications, a statement (max. 500 words) explaining your relevant skills and experience, and why you wish to be considered for the position.

Learn more about:

The ISN-ACT is an initiative of the ISN intended to leverage existing infrastructures within ISN, in order to improve global nephrology community participation in clinical trial research, through a series of activities and initiatives.

ISN-ACT Committee Members

First NameLast NameRoleSecondary RoleMailing Country
AdeeraLevinCore Group MemberCommittee MemberCanada
Angela Yee MoonWangMemberCommittee MemberHong Kong
DavidWheelerChairCommittee MemberUnited Kingdom
DebasishBanerjeeMemberCommittee MemberUnited Kingdom
Fatiu AbiolaArogundadeMemberCommittee MemberNigeria
GiuseppeRemuzziMemberCommittee MemberItaly
HongZhangMemberCommittee MemberChina
IfeomaUlasiMemberCommittee MemberNigeria
MarkWoodwardAdvisorISN-ACT MemberAustralia
MegJardineDeputy ChairCommittee MemberAustralia
MichaelWalshMemberCommittee memberCanada
RhysEvansYoung NephrologistCommittee MemberUnited Kingdom
RicardoCorrea RotterMemberCommittee MemberMexico
RobertoPecoits-FilhoMemberCommittee MemberUnited States
SanjayAgarwalMemberCommittee MemberIndia
TomGreeneAdvisorISN-ACT MemberUnited States
VivekanandJhaCore Group MemberCommittee MemberIndia
YingyosAvihingsanonMemberCommittee MemberThailand
Zhi-HongLiuMemberCommittee MemberChina

This working group collaborated in the development of the ISN-ACT Toolkit.

ISN-ACT Toolkit Subgroup Members

First NameLast NameRoleCountry
Angela Yee MoonWangMemberHong Kong
DavidWheelerChairUnited Kingdom
MegJardineDeputy ChairAustralia
RobertoPecoits-FilhoMemberUnited States
Ali Moustafa ShendiMemberEgypt
ElaineRutherfordMemberUnited Kingdom
ElenaZakharovaMemberRussian Federation
HiddoLambers HeerspinkMemberNetherlands
Juan CarlosFloresMemberMexico
MatthiasKretzlerMemberUnited States
MohamedEl KossiMemberUnited Kingdom
Mohamed ElrggalMemberEgypt
RagadaEl-DamanawiMemberUnited Kingdom
RolandoClaure-Del GranadoMemberBolivia
AugustoCesar Soares dos SantosMemberBrazil
Sonia SharmaMemberIndia
Vladimir TesarMemberCzech Republic

The ISN iNET-CKD (International Network of Chronic Kidney Disease cohort studies) is building an international network of existing, independentlyfunded Chronic Kidney Disease cohort studies.

iNET-CKD Committee Members

First NameLast NameRoleCountry
MaartenTaalDeputy ChairUnited Kingdom
SusanFurthMemberUnited States
RobertoPecoits-FilhoMemberUnited States

September 1st Update: Apply for ISN Leadership position! Click green position title directly below to learn more.

Call for Expressions of Interest and Nominations for ISN i3C (International Consortium CKDu Collaborators) Working Group Deputy Chair

This call for expressions of interest and nominations is open to all ISN members in good standing.

Deadline to apply is 21 September 2021

The International Society of Nephrology (ISN) has multiple research activities embedded within various programs, initiatives and events. Each of these activities has links to Regional Boards, committees, initiatives and other programs within ISN and externally. All research activities are overseen by the ISN Research Working Group.

The ISN welcomes expressions of interest and nominations for the position of: ISN i3C (International Consortium CKDu Collaborators) Working Group Deputy Chair.

The ISN International Consortium CKDu Collaborators aims at facilitating collaboration and information exchange in a field with diverse groups working throughout the world on this critical issue.

The role of the Deputy Chair will be to support the Chair to implement the ISN strategic framework as defined by ISN Governance and together with the assigned ISN Headquarters staff advise and support decision making processes to select the most appropriate projects and candidates among applications received. A committee with balanced and diverse representation will support the Chair and Deputy Chair.

This is a volunteer leadership position for a period of approximately 2 years, commencing at WCN 2022. The Deputy Chair is expected to take the role of Chair after approximately 2 years (commencing at WCN 2024). The position attracts no remuneration.

This call for expressions of interest and nominations is open to all ISN members in good standing.

If you would like to apply to a regular ISN supporting group member position to get acquainted with our work, we welcome your application as well.

Timelines and next steps

Please submit your expression of interest or nomination by e-mail to by Tuesday, 21 September 2021.

If you wish to apply, please send a short CV (max. 4 pages) with a list of publications, a statement (max. 500 words) explaining your relevant skills and experience, and why you wish to be considered for the position.

Learn more about:


i3C (International Consortium CKDu Collaborators) Working Group

First NameLast NameRoleCountry
ShuchiAnandDeputy ChairUnited States
BenCaplinMemberUnited Kingdom
MasaomiNangakuEx-officio MemberJapan
AndrewFireAdvisorUnited States
DavidFriedmanMemberUnited States
ChulaniHerathMemberSri Lanka
RicardoCorrea RotterMemberMexico
SusanMendleyAdvisorUnited States