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ISN Pioneer Award for the Africa region to Prof. Oladipo Olujimi Akinkugbe, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, in recognition of his outstanding achievements in the field of nephrology

Seeking Your Nominations: ISN 2021 Pioneer Award for the North American and Caribbean Region


ISN Pioneer Awards honor the ‘unsung heroes’ of nephrology. They reward doctors on a regional level who have carried out extraordinary efforts to advance nephrology in a specific country or region.

This is the first time that the North America and the Caribbean region has been included in the Pioneer Awards and nominations are allowed ONLY from Grenada, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (these awards are restricted to non-high-income countries).

Eligible candidates:

  • Born in a non-high-income country and have worked in a non-high-income country for the great majority of their career
  • Medically qualified
  • Have not previously won an international award made by a major nephrology society
  • Are NOT active in current ISN leadership, i.e., Councillor, ExCom member, Committee member, or Regional Board member

As an ISN member, you can nominate a candidate by providing the following information via email to by September 8, 2020:

  • Nominator details: complete name, ISN membership number, and country
  • Nominee details: complete name (as listed in publications), country, and contact information (nominees do not need to be ISN members)
  • Support statement: explain why the nominee should receive the award (maximum 300 words)
  • Curriculum vitae of the nominee: 2-page maximum
  • Letter(s) of support: mandatory (no more than three)

If you have any questions about the Pioneer Awards, please contact the Awards Coordinator
Jo-Ann Donner.

We look forward to receiving your nominations!


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