
Check out this month’s ISN-ACT trial list

Once a month, we collect and publish a list of important nephrology trials from the latest medical literature. Each trial is reviewed in context and their risk of bias in seven key areas assessed. The ISN-ACT is an initiative of the ISN intended to leverage existing infrastructures within ISN, in order to improve global nephrology community...

Join the SONG-PKD Delphi panel

The Standardised Outcomes in Nephrology – Polycystic Kidney Disease (SONG-PKD) initiative is calling on the nephrology community to be part of the SONG-PKD Delphi panel. Round one is now open, get started now by registering your email online. The Standardised Outcomes in Nephrology – Polycystic Kidney Disease (SONG-PKD) is an international initiative that aims to...

Stepping up nephrology care in Samoa

ISN headed to Samoa recently to begin developing partnerships with the medical community on the island. The visit revealed how strengthening the ties between ISN, the Asia Pacific Society of Nephrology (ASPN), the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology (ANZSN) and the National Kidney Foundation Samoa (NKFS) provides valuable training to local doctors...

ISN and Danone Nutricia: hydration and kidney health

We joined the Danone Nutricia Hydration congress in Évians-les-Bains, France, in support of our longest-standing corporate member. We have been working with Danone Nutricia since our 50th anniversary celebrations in 2010. The collaboration also began in Évians-les-Bains when we established a link with the Danone Nutricia Hydration Research Center. Since then, we have worked together...

ISN member Sharma talks AKI prevention with Nepal’s Labour Minister

Sanjib Kumar Sharma, long-standing member of ISN, recently met Nepal’s Labor Minister to discuss acute kidney injury (AKI) prevention. He talked about the ISN 0by25 initiative and the ongoing efforts of the 0by25 pilot studies. AKI is a common disease for labour workers. He says: 'These patients are a particularly vulnerable group due to the presence of...

This week we are at ERA-EDTA

As of today we are at the European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplantation Association's (ERA-EDTA) 55th congress, taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark. If you are in the neighborhood, come by to say hello! Take the opportunity to meet our staff, find out more about being a member and get the latest on our...

HEARTS: highlighting CKD and CVD prevention

ISN is calling for the implementation of the HEARTS technical package on cardiovascular disease prevention. The World Health Organization and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention have developed the HEARTS technical package as part of the GLOBAL HEARTS INITIATIVE, of which ISN is a partner. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the number one cause...

2018 ISN-H4KH grant winners announcement

Following the call for applications, the ISN-Hydration for Kidney Health (H4KH) Executive Committee is happy to announce the names of those who have been selected for the New Investigator and Hydration and Kidney Health grants. The ISN-H4KH research initiative called for candidates from all disciplines relevant to kidney disease (clinical, health services and population health...

2015 Hydration and Kidney Health Grant winner publication

Dr. Sofia Enhörning, from Skåne University Hospital in Malmö, Sweden received the 2015 Hydration and Kidney Health Grant for her project entitled "Plasma copeptin as a predictor of, and copeptin associated loci in, cardiorenal disease - population based prospective cohort studies and a mendelian randomization approach." The first part of the project aims at studying...

SYL training comes to the rescue of young AKI patients in Africa

Saving Young Lives (SYL) recently sent a pediatric nephrologist and a nurse from the University of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo) on a month’s visit to the University of Cotonou (Benin). It helped the Congolese doctors and nurses learn more the latest catheter insertion techniques so they can set up a peritoneal dialysis...

ISN-H4KH fellow picks up hydration in kidney health grant

Following the call for applications, the Hydration for Kidney Health (H4KH) Executive Committee is happy to announce that Dr. Amarasiri de Silva from University of Pittsburgh, USA, has been selected for the ISN-H4KH Fellowship Program and will receive a grant worth 25,000 USD. The ISN-H4KH research initiative called for candidates from all disciplines relevant to...

Challenges of pediatric acute kidney injury in low- and middle-income countries

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is an increasingly significant yet underdiagnosed problem in pediatric care. In this latest Lancet update, colleagues from the International Pediatric Nephrology Association delve into international efforts to address this inequity, and what’s required from the World Health Organization and nephrology community to fulfil the 0by25 mission of zero preventable deaths from...

KI Reports: Heat stress and kidney health

One of this month’s most downloaded reports from Kidney International (KI) Reports is contributed by Fabiana Nerbass, winner of the ISN-H4KH New Investigator grant. This publication was made possible with valuable support from the ISN-H4KH New Investigator grant in partnership with Danone Nutricia. Fabiana Nerbass was awarded the funding in 2015.  Her research on “Occupational Heat Stress...

Korle Bu Hospital and 0by25 mentioned in Ghana news

It was recently reported on Ghana web news that First Sky Group of Companies has donated two million Ghana Cedis to Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, so more patients with acute kidney disease can get free treatment across the country. Korle-Bu hospital has been already involved in many ISN Programs and initiatives including Saving Young Lives and the...

ISN joins UK Kidney Week

The city of Liverpool, also known for its role in British music history, is playing host to the UK’s Renal Association’s annual congress this week. ISN took on a valuable role, co-sponsoring the opening plenary session that focused on the global challenge of acute kidney injury. ISN Programs Chair John Feehally led with an engaging...

India’s students join the Science Writing Course

The Scientific Writing Course starts today in Bangalore, India. We wish all students a great learning experience and hope they pick up many new writing skills and valuable tips, helping them to successfully get published. It is the first regional meeting of its kind in the region. Each workshop helps physicians and researchers from different...

A turning point in global education: ISN’s new meeting strategy

ISN has developed a new meeting strategy aimed at delivering innovative meetings fully connected to the Society’s overall educational offerings. Following the ISN World Congress of Nephrology (WCN) 2019, ISN will organize a yearly congress with a specific regional focus and new features that build on the current WCN strengths and offer an improved learning...

ISN President Adeera Levin interviewed by Cameroon television during AFRAN congress 2017

Adeera Levin interviewed by Cameroon TV news during the AFRAN 2017 congress in Yaounde (15-19 March 2017). She talks about the multiple programs of ISN in Africa, and about the long-standing collaboration between ISN and AFRAN, which is essential for the progress of kidney care in the Continent. The AFRAN 2017 congress saw a sizable...